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The Black Tower will be rent..."

by Bilbo Baggins: 2001-04-02 | 4 out of 10 (1 votes)

Previous Categories: The Black Tower

I for one believe that Elaida's foretelling has nothing to do with Aes Sedai fighting Ashaman. The White Tower will have it's hands full fighting the rebel Aes Sedai. I believe that the battle will be between the Ashaman. Ashaman fighting Ashaman. Logain and his teammates know something of Mazrim Taim's doings and for some reason they fear to talk of it. Logain and Taim(Demandred) have a bit of rivalry between them and from thePOD you can tell that they do not like each other. Rand is a smart guy and he has to realize some sort of connection between Taim and th men who tried to kill him. They were, after all, Taim's personal students. I The sisters who will walk it's grounds will be both the Aes Sedai who pledged allegaiance to Rand and the Aes Sedai who were captured by the Ashaman. With their help they will fight Taim's faction and know him for who he really is and where his allegiance goes to and since I believe that Egwene will become the Amyrlin, Rand will face her and know she is angry because of the Aes Sedai who swore him.
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Tamyrlin: 2001-04-02

What if Elayne found out that sisters were being held there? Would she gather all of the sisters in the city and demand Taim release them? Otherwise, I think you are right. Division within the Black Tower, after these latest books, seems the most likely explanation of that prophecy. Book 10 should be amazing.


araqyl: 2003-04-30

I heartily agree although, Tamyrlin, it now looks like Book 11 will be amazing - virtually nothing happened for most of the book, just various people moving about to get into position for the next big scene... except for that silly girl getting caught trying to block TV's harbour...


Mairan Sedai: 2003-04-30

This is getting a bit off topic, but I see the WoT as this huge chess game. You can't capture the queen (or something equally exciting) on every move; more than half the game (and half the fun) is setting up for the big stuff.

And that was really, really, random...


Callandor: 2003-04-30

All the main characters are getting involved with the Seanchan, so for nothing happening the plots moved quite far. Although I do agree that book 11 will be spectacular, I just hope its not a short book, I want LOTS happening in the book not just the subtly going on; but that is still great parts too ;-).


Traveller: 2005-07-22

absolutely. I agree but out of interest, could someone tell me which quote by Elaida are we taling about, because I can't remember, and I would find it useful to look at to analyse.


Mierin Sedai: 2011-04-06

Another interpretation could come from it being "cleansed" just like the White Tower - killing off Ashaman Darkfriends/Dreadlords? Just a thought.