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ircles of 13.

by oldmanfish: 2002-11-06 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: The Black Tower

Taim is not Demandred, as events in Winter's Heart have shown. Demandred uses proxies. That doesn't mean masquerading as someone else. He is behind the Darkfriends at the Black Tower, however... Isn't it a bit too convenient that all the top Asha'man (the M'Hael's men) are Darkfriends?

They are obviously being recruited by the double circle of 13. "Have I not done well, Great Master"?
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Tamyrlin: 2002-11-06

The battle between the some of the dreadlords and Logain's men should be a great scene in CoT...lets hope Jordan gets that far. Although, you could make a case that it isn't convenient because Taim goes out recruiting. If he is tied into the Dark Friend network through the Forsaken, locating Dark Friends with the spark probably wasn't too difficult, and Rand would be none the wiser. So, while I think that there probably have been instances of forcing, it seems probable that Taim hand picked channelers from DF's.


demonblade: 2002-11-15

That isn't quite true, Tamyrlin. didn't Taim say at one point that he doesn't even bother go recruiting anymore? He left it up to his more advanced students. These more advanced students might have already been forced towards the Dark and they simply forced the other recruits into joining the dark, as well.


Anubis: 2002-12-06

Another possibility is that taim is promoting darkfriends (they have ways to recognize eachother) and giving them advanced training. However this does not exclude the possibility of the 13 13 thingy though one must consider whether it takes 13 channelers linked in which case women would be needed.


silverwolf: 2002-12-29

Women wouldn't necessarily be needed for the 13 13 thing--nowhere does Jordan say that the 13 channelers must be linked, only that they must weave the flows through 13 myrdraal. Even if women must be included, the BA could have made contact with darkfriends in the BT; I don't think it's likely, but it is possible. We simply don't have enough information on turning channelers to the dark to say for sure.


Callandor: 2002-12-29

If I remember correctly, the like must be 13 aes sedai and 13 myddraal. So I assume that it has to be women or men included since men cant link without women. And a link to 13 myrddaal.


araqyl: 2003-04-30

Demonblade, Taim's 'advanced students' may simply be those DFs he initially recruited himself, that had already begun channeling. Apart from those like Logain who choose to go recruiting, and maybe a few 'clean' recruiters just to bulk up numbers, it could be that the recruiters are simply dropping in on hidden dreadlords and bringing them back to the BT.

Of course, that makes you wonder why Rand can't sense the Black Threads on Taim that he ripped away from Asmodean, the ones that protect a male channeler from the Taint...


Vaughn882: 2003-04-30

If Taim needs women to complete the circle, he cood have just used some of the captured aes sedai. I'm sure theres some DF's in there. Wasnt the group sent by DFs?


Weird Harold: 2003-05-01

Vaughn882, There are no BA in the 51 AS bonded by Asha'man -- Alviarin insured there were no BA sent.

Also, all 51 were bonded by Logain's faction and not under Taim's control.


cow defender: 2003-05-01

how evenly split is the BT between Logain and Taim? I would assume that Taim has a majority of people since he is the M'hael and has been there longer.


Weird Harold: 2003-05-02

Cow Defender asked, "how evenly split is the BT between Logain and Taim? I would assume that Taim has a majority of people since he is the M'hael and has been there longer."

Toviene assesses the splits in the BT tower in one of her POVs (prologue to WH?) as Taim's Faction, Logain's Faction, those who were in no Faction, and those who don't even know there are factions.

I don't recall the exact numbers she gives, but it's something like 20 in Taim's inner circle (and growing slowly) and 50-100 in Logain's Faction withthe rest evenly split between mugwumps and clueless.

Logain's faction has numbers (and bonded AS), but Taim's inner circle has the additional training.


araqyl: 2003-05-12

I think Harold's estimates are better than any others I've heard, but there's another factor to consider: as the Dragon's appointed leader, Taim may retain the loyalty of the mugwumps (great word - where's it from?) and will definitely keep hold of the clueless.

Unless, of course, Rand names Logain as the new M'Hael, or Logain produces proof that Taim is a traitor.