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oiraine and Lan Battle

by Frostillicus: 2001-05-20 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Moiraine: Where is She Now?

This theory is a little out there but a friend and I were talking and I came up with an idea. I think and it's widely guessed that Moraine isn't dead. Well wouldn't it be a major twist if Moiraine is re-incarnated and converted to the dark by means of the circle of thirteen. Part of the last battle involves Lan and Nynaeve battling her to the death and Lan eventually killing her because he loves Nynaeve more than Moiraine and it would make an interesting return for her character. It would also bring that circle of thirteen into the book with the conversion of a really trusted character.
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Tamyrlin: 2001-05-20

That would be a shame if RJ did that to Moiraine. She needs to come back to Rand for the series to be re-energized.


heronblade: 2003-06-04

an idea would be that when (read if) moir returns to the world and her connection to Lan could be re-established. testing N and L to where their loyalties lie. or mabye N has to heal M cause shes been severed and suffering from loosing L's bond. it could be the only way to save both M and L from the 'sickness' of the backlash is for them to re-bond


rubbernilly: 2003-06-05

I don't buy that 'backlash' theory bit.

Suian didn't feel the loss of her warder *until* she was healed. Until then, she was like a normal person with her grief.

And Lan has all of the ingredients for him healing in Nynaeve.

There will be a test when M. returns, but not because there will be a real string tied to Lan. It will just be a test of how grown up Nynaeve can be.

And I *hope*... I HOPE, I HOPE, I *HOPE* that Moiraine is the catalyst that bridges Nynaeve and Flynn. That is, I hope she is healed by Flynn back to full strength, Nynaeve finds out about this, and they figure out the man-healing-woman and woman-healing-man part of healing severing.


heronblade: 2003-06-05

saidin healing severing would be cool but how could they do it. i mean, n didn't workout how to heal severing easaly and no-one could do it beforehand (i seem to remember a quote that they couldn't do it in the Aol either from moggy) so what makes you think F can work it out from scratch


Weird Harold: 2003-06-05

Heronblade asked, "so what makes you think F can work it out from scratch"

Maybe because Damer Flinn has already Healed three sisters 'as if they had never been stilled'?

Incidently, IIRC, one or more of which are with Cadsuane, Rand, Nyneave, and Damer Flinn in the West of Tear, Near the Dragonwall, when last seen in COT.

Nyneave and Flinn don't need *Moraine* as an excuse to get together an compare notes. They just need someone to mention stilling or gentling whenboth are present. Logain reiterating his thanks to Nyneave, maybe?


Callandor: 2003-06-05

Flinn has already Healed an Aes Sedai that Rand stilled when he broke free at Dumais Wells. So he doesn't have to piece it out, he already knows. And yes I also hope they realize they both can do it.


rubbernilly: 2003-06-05

Flynn has already healed several Aes Sedai that were stilled after Rand's breakout at Dumai's Wells. The other AS around them comment at one point that it is as if "they never left." That is, they are back to full strength - or near enough that it makes no difference.

Similarly, Logain (healed by Nynaeve) seems to be healed back to full strength, as well.

Since "what is healed cannot be healed," according to Nynaeve, Suian and Leane cannot simply be re-healed by Flynn to get them back to full strength, but it will be interesting to see if they are willing to undergo stilling *again* in order to see if they can be healed properly...

Of course, the results of that healing by Flynn could be that they are just restored to their new, impaired strength that Nynaeve restored them to.

So, if Flynn and Nynaeve get together and figure out that Flynn has had better success with women, where Nynaeve was just capable (but not complete) in her healing, then maybe they'll start to put together what is required.

Of course, that will require inter-character communication... something RJ apparently has psychological difficulty in relating to paper.


Shadow Bane: 2003-06-09

I dont know about an actual "Battle" but Lan is going to have to make an important decision- Go to finnland and save Moiraine, or stay with Nynaeve and protect her. This next book should be interesting it is about time Moiraine was back.


rubbernilly: 2003-06-10

Yes, but Lan's decision - for its difficulty - mirrors the character growth that Nynaeve would go through if she was put to a decision.

Think of her decision - she has wished to take Moiraine down a peg or three since the first time they met. If Lan has a tough decision, Nynaeve is going to know about it - she doesn't leave his side for very long ever - and that means she's going to have a decision to make, too.


Callandor: 2003-06-10

Just wanted to add to the Nynaeve and Flinn replies. Definite foreshoadowing I think in TFOH, Chatper 10, Figs and Mice, page 228:

**Nynaeve frowned scornfully. *What could a man eever know about curing anything? Id soon as ask a farrier to make a dress.***