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lyena and Cyndane and the Last Battle

by Niall: 2003-04-05 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Miscellaneous

I've been rereading the series, and I've finally reached WH. And I've come up with a disturbing theory based on the exchange detailed in there between the Forsaken. (Specifically, the one on p. 318 in the hardback (Could be different in the paperback)).Specifically, Demandred's thoughts regarding Cyndane.

Without quotes, he thinks that she is not Lanfear but did come from the Age of Legends. If she's not Lanfear at all but did come from AoL, then she could very easily be Ilyena Sunhair herself. She would have known about the Choedan Kal like Lanfear, and she could have been weaker in the OP. (Somewhere it's mentioned that Lanfear was strong for a man or woman even in that age, so it's doubtful that Ilyena would have bested her.)

The problem with this theory is that there is very little info about Cyndane, and barely more about Ilyena (unless you count LTT screaming about killing her) I don't think the books even tell you whether or not Ilyena can even channel, which would definetly debunk this theory if she cant. Only time will tell. This theory could explain why she is called Cyndane ("Last Chance" in the old tongue). Ilyena/Cyndane is the DO's ace in the hole for the LB, and if he needs her, it's his last chance to get free. Here's how that works; in the LB, if LTT "sees" Ilyena, he'll go berserk, and hopefully (for the DO) do something stupid so that he and Rand will lose. Maybe. Possibly.
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Tamyrlin: 2003-04-12

Well, it is pretty clear that Cyndane is Lanfear...this coming from a devoted Lanfear fan that is sick that he has to make that statement. Demandred is unclear because Cyndane doesn't look like Lanfear and doesn't call herself Lanfear. He is quite confused, but it is his lack of understanding the situation that makes his statements confusing versus Lanfear not being Cyndane. Cyndane makes this clear during Winter's Heart.


Niall: 2003-04-12

Obviously I really goofed on this one. I still think it would make a great confrontation to have Ilyena back in the last battle, but Cyndane is obviously Lanfear. Sorry everyone


Callandor: 2003-04-12

Ilyena had hair like Elaynes: golden with some red. Cyndane on the other hand has silver hair. Read Graendals POV when we are first introduced to Cyndane in TPOD.


Dorindha: 2003-04-13

Obviously, Cyndane's identity has been cleared up, but incidentally, is there ANY evidence at all that Ilyena can channel? I can't remember seeing anything about it.


Daishan: 2003-04-13

LOL! Apart from not being Cyndane, Ilyena is stone dead. It's one of the first things we learn in the book, when we don't even know Rand yet, and still wonder who Lews is. I don't believe the Dark One could 'resurrect' her after more than 3000 years. After all, if he gains control over a soul but never loses it, he'd end up with an endlessly increasing number of souls in his camp (since practically everybody could be a darkfriend in a given turning of the wheel, even the Dragon). Furthermore, if Ilyena could channel, I'd think Lews would have taken her to Shayol Ghul at the Strike. They were in desperate need of circles for the precision they needed, and who better to help him than his wife...