Tamyrlin: 2003-05-10
The best part of your theory is the foreshadowing, that is typical Jordan. If she does go to Egwene then it will be through Mat and Traveling. Does Mat have any reason to want to see Egwene? Maybe Mat will travel to Rand and then Rand will send him to Egwene...oh yeah, Mat's men are with Egwene, that would be reason enough.
Weird Harold: 2003-05-10
I think Egwene nd Egeanin will eventually meet, but timing considerations pretty much eliminate her from being the one to save Egwene.
1: Mat and Perrin are about 250 leagues apart at best, and it's taken Mat nearly 30 days to travel about 25 leagues to reach his last known position -- one days travel from the Eldar River crossing just north of Ebou Dar.
2: Perrin has to resolve his fixation with Faile's captivity before he moves south. That's going to take negotiating with the Sanchan force Talanvor found and coordinating a plan -- 7-10 days minimum.
3: Mat is no longer in control of his movements -- Tuon is, and she's going back to Ebou Dar soon where they're going to be embroiled n Suroth and Anath's plot against Rand.
5: The Seanchan are attacking or ready to attack the White Tower when Egwene is kidnapped -- the "bat" she sees crossong the moon is obviously a raken. Given the logistics of supporting a force 1,400 miles behind enemy lines, they aren't going to hang back and watch th siege. The Seanchan Attack can't be more than about 72 hours away from Egwene's capture.
I just don't see any way that Eeanin can connect with someone who can trabvel and plausibly break away from her involvement with Tuon in time to thwart an attack in 72 hours.
Only a Seanchan woman who is withthe attack force or Alivia have any plausible way to rescue Egwene, and Alivia doesn't carry a sword.
Callandor: 2003-05-10
Does Mat even know that Egwene is at Tar Valon? I dont think he does.
And yes the best part is the forshadowing.
WinespringBrother: 2003-05-10
Egeanin's first appearance features her showing up on Domon's ship with a sword scabbarded on her back, as well.
Vaughn882: 2003-05-10
How about this?
The seanchan attack the white tower while Egwene is still captive. The Seanchan, using damane, are winning the battle, and everything is looking down for the Aes'sedai, who have allied against the Seanchan. Then, for some reason that I havent come up with yet, Mat, Egeanin, and tuon show up and reveal that the sul'dam can channel, throughing the empire into chaos. Tuon takes charge, allies with the white tower and egwene (who somehow becomes amyrlin), and everything is all ready for the last battle. Oh, and Lanfear is somewhere in that mix because theres some profecy saying that the white tower will bend fer her. Oh, and fit the asha'man and rand into the and we have the whole next book planned out. Yay!
Callandor: 2003-05-11
And all the Seanchan who are attacking the WT will just fall to their knees and scream Bloody Hell? Even with Tuon that is a practical impossiblity. The sul dam and damane situation will most likely come out when Rand goes to Ebou Dar, if he does.
Vaughn882: 2003-05-12
First off Callandor, i wasnt being completely serious, even though i think it is a possibility, or could be similar in parts to what happens. Anyway, revealing the truth about sul'dam would be a huge blow to the empire, and in my opinion stop them from attacking the WT. How many times have we heard someone say "The truth would shock the empire to the core" or something similar to that? And the whole reason for the seanchan to travel thousands of miles into enemy territory to attack the WT would be to get more damane. Also, with the revelation that one of the blood, not to mention the daughter of the empress herself, the light bless her, can channel (*shocked gasps*) which would mean that its ok fer channelers to be free (*more gasps*), i think tha would stop the seanchan from attacking the WT, but who knows?
Callandor: 2003-05-13
No attack goes precicly to plan. While the idea that that would stop the attack is a good one, I dont think it would work at all. Once you start a battle, its almost impossible to stop because people want to see it through.
With the DOTNM it MIGHT be possible, but I still doubt it would work entirely.
rubbernilly: 2003-05-15
But that doesn't take into account centuries upon centuries of prejudice against the women who can channel. You don't just turn that stuff off overnight, even if your beloved Daughter of the Nine Moons can channel.
You know what happens to princesses that can channel?
They become damane and are stricken from the Blood; they are forgotten. They are da'covale.
It's so easy to become Seanchan. But, really, that seems to be the attitidude the Seanchan would take.
"What?! Our Tuon can channel?" Looks around for anyone watching, then stuffs Tuon in a bag, bundling her away. "No, no, she can't... and, no, I don't know where she is. Maybe hunting."
Mairashda: 2003-05-15
my thoughts ran somewhere along those lines, yeah. but maybe that's where the veil might come into place... tuon isn't the daughter of the nine moons right now...
Jiana: 2003-05-15
But what, exactly, is the MEANING of the veil? I recall that a few were shocked that Tuon would wear it instead of exposing her bare head when we first meet her. I tend to agree with rubbernilly... Of course Tuon can channel, it has been covered up. But that isn't the issue of this post, I don't think. Alilvia has never carried a sword... but there are a lot of people in the series that had never carried a weapon before we met them. It is possible that she could learn. I still hold that it will be Alivia.....
Mairashda: 2003-05-16
IIRC as long as she wears the veil, tuon is only the high lady tuon, and not the daughter of the nine moons...but how to fit that with the other stuff...seanchan are weird, so who knows?
Weird Harold: 2003-05-16
Jianna asked, "But what, exactly, is the MEANING of the veil?"
Being "Under The Veil" is a societal convention that allows Royalty to dispense with the formalities and just be "one of the guys."
The Ebou Dari have a similar convention -- Lean back on your kinves" -- that allows people to discuss things that would normally prompt a duel.
Wearing the Veil, is simply a way of saying, "you can't see who I am, so you can forget about kowtowing and such. It's like wearing a sign that says, "Forget who I really am, and act like I'm just The High Lady Tuon.
Callandor: 2003-05-16
But at the end of COT Tuon has stopped wearing the veil, in fact she comes out openly to Valda and gives him the parchment saying she is the DOTNM, not the High Lady Tuon.
Jiana: 2003-05-21
Thank you, Harold, for clearing that up. Yes, Callandor, she did stop wearing the veil, but why? Was she just tired of the charade? What with all the plotting and subplotting in this series, I don't think it is that simple.
Mairashda: 2003-05-22
in WH tuon repeatedly stated that she'd continue wearing the veil until a favorable omen, which probably happened sometime during her kidnapping. remember her smiling when mat says that she is to come along?
kongo: 2003-05-22
Gawyns choice will save or destroy egwene. i.e. he chooses either Egwene or Elaida as amyrlin seat.
Mairashda: 2003-05-29
I've always thought, gawyn's dilemma would be chosing between love (egwene) and his duty (First prince of the sword to elayne- his blood before hers, etc...)
Callandor: 2003-05-29
It's more or less Gawyn has to be there to save Egwene or she will die. His dilema right now is in fact the struggle between the Tower or to go help Elayne, but he has settled that a little bit for now since CoT, but it could easily be not for long. Like if he went and saved Egwene and then decided to help Elayne or something.
Deadsy: 2003-09-29
They don't need Perrin. I think Mat will meet up with him though. All Tuon has to do is come out in the open and order a raken to take Egeanin to the tower. They can move 200 miles in a day. They're about 2,400 miles from Tar Valon. News could travel to their area by now that the rebels are close to the tower. They've been there awhile. And if Tuon announces herself, she would be able to find out about the Seanchan attacking. Mat will probably figure that the rebels are close by now. If Mat & Tuon like each other enough by then she may choose to help his friend. Tuon could send Egeanin and a raken rider with a note saying “Send the damane Egwene to me” just in case Egwene is there and captured. Egeanin could arrive 10 days after Egwene is captured and still “rescue” her.
Weird Harold:
“Mat is no longer in control of his movements -- Tuon is, and she's going back to Ebou Dar soon where they're going to be embroiled n Suroth and Anath's plot against Rand.”
I disagree with this. Just because Luca has a letter protecting his show doesn't mean he has to go where Tuon wants. Mat is still the one with the gold and Tuon still has her promise not to betray Mat or try to escape. He can carry her off on a horse if he wants. Tuon's not putting Mat under her protection is just to have some fun IMO. She's making Mat still unsure of his place with her. If they go back to Ebou Dar it will be because the DWG catches up and Tuon doesn't stop them from taking him, not because Tuon tells Luca to go back.
“But at the end of COT Tuon has stopped wearing the veil, in fact she comes out openly to Valda and gives him the parchment saying she is the DOTNM, not the High Lady Tuon.”
In COT Selucia tells Mat that Tuon's still under the veil, even when she isn't wearing it, so whether or not she's actually wearing the thing doesn't matter.
Luca already knew about Tuon:
“Nobody's asking you to be a servant.” Luca and his wife knew the truth, but there had to be some reason to give everyone else why Tuon and Selucia were kept confined to this wagon and guarded.”
“'But Master Cauthon has gold, and I fear gold commands my first obedience.' Mat's chest full of gold coins in this very wagon had been all the arm-twisting needed to convince him. Maybe Mat being ta'veren had helped, but for enough gold, Valan Luca would help kidnap the Dark One.”
And it isn't mentioned that she says she's the daughter of the nine moons. The letter says: “...is now under the personal protection of the High Lady Tuon Athaem Kore Paendrag. Everyone will know who that is, of course...”
So I don't think it's known for sure whether or not she's still “under the veil.”
jofra: 2003-09-30
I agree it will be Egeanin who will help Egwene. Her sigil after getting her new name is a sword with a snarled anchor, shown at the chapter about her in CoT.
How this is going to happen, I dont know. A possibility is that Egwene will reach Mats dream while she is Dreamwalking, and he will go with Egeanin and party to the WT, using one of Perrins Ashaman or even one of Rands, to make a Gateway.
Turandil: 2004-04-12
I dont think Egeanin will save Egwene.
But Seanchan will attack the white tower very soon while Egwene is still captured. Egwene noticed someting flying by the moon the night she was captured, she thought it was a large bat, maybe even a Drakhar. I am pretty sure it was i Raken. The attack will come soon, very soon.
Oatman: 2004-04-12
If the seanchan atack the white tower at the moment as seems likely, than they will win. However, that still leaves the aes sedai on the outside to deal with. That war could last a while, and in that time Egeanin could come in and make the revelation sul dam can channel. This will maim the seanchan force and ideals becasue i doubt they would trust the sul dam from that point onwards for the simple fact that they can learn to channel. The damane might also rebel when this is learnt.
A partial support to this is min seeing a damane collar on an ase sedai in the tower. Cant remember who it was so cant say wether its been done already.
Anubis: 2004-04-13
i dont know if eagenin will save egwene per say, but i do believe that they will need to cooperate to save the white tower and aes sedai, and create peace with the seanchan or somthing important like that. in the dream the comment is we can make it to the top if we work together.
charliec: 2004-04-13
Oatman- Min's viewing of a collared Aes Sedai came after she returned to the tower from Falme, and since tehn I don't think we've heard of any more Aes Sedai getting captured, so yes we're all just waiting for the Seanchan to attack Tar Valon. I'm hoping a grolm or a lopar will eat Elaida.
Good idea this Elder Haman