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lric's death - the bond

by dementia: 2004-08-12 | 3 out of 10 (2 votes)

Previous Categories: Errors in the Books

When Siuan was deposed her Warder Alric was killed. The book says that after the AS shielded her they dragged Siuan into the outer chamber where she found Leane shielded and Alric dead with a knife in his back. At first I thought he might have been killed after she was shielded, and I'm not sure if she would have felt his death while shielded, but I don't believe the AS could have gotten into the Amyrlin's room untill they had Alric killed so why didn't she feel him being stabbed in the back. RJ touched on this in LOC by saying she didn't mourn him because of the shock of what was happening and then her stilling, but she still should have felt his death before the AS burst in on her.
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Tamyrlin: 2004-11-08

(Frenzy for Tamyrlin)
Very true. Surprised nobody's written it up before (that i can find, anyway).
i think Jordan didn't include it because he wanted to play up the surprise & drama between Siuan and Elaida. I also think Jordan included the mourning later to demonstrate a point about Bonds, which may come into play later with Rand and everyone he's bonded to.


Callandor: 2004-11-08

**but I don't believe the AS could have gotten into the Amyrlin's room untill they had Alric killed so why didn't she feel him being stabbed in the back.**

Why? They're Aes Sedai; he's a Warder. They say go, he goes.


brother of Battles: 2004-11-09

Another thing I find surprising is the straight up murder of Alric. It is obvious that he was killed instead of dying by any other means because of the knife being in his back. Which ment he didn't think anything about it when the AS came to Suian's study, either did something for them or told him to turn around, and then planted the knife in his back.

They might not have an oath that prevents them from killing people, but they do have laws. They could have captured him the same time they captured Siuan and Leane.


Dorindha: 2004-11-09

What Frenzy said...

Plus, I think the whole thing happened so quickly, even if she had noticed immediately, the ones who shielded her were probably in the room and so on before she had a chance to react to it, and then she was shielded.


fistandantilus: 2004-11-11

Knowing that Alric wouldn't think anything odd about several women gong to see the Armylin Seat the sisters probably brought one Warder with them and left him in the Keeper's office with his Aes Sedai. Then, at a pre arranged signal, the Sister shielded Leane while the Warder stabbed Alric in the back. Siuan was at this point already being taken captive, and since she would be sheilded, wouldn't feel her Warder's death.


Reddrgn: 2004-11-15

I think Alric was killed because he would not have put up with the way they treated Siuan and they would have had a wild Warder on their hands.

As to why she didn't feel it. . . he probably didn't die right away, and RJ was probably leaving that part out like stated before for the shock factor.

Even shielded the AS can still feel the source, just can't touch it. So I believe that she would have felt her warders Bond dissappear and be physically/mentally affected by it, but I don't have any books to quote a reference about this. Anyone?


a dragonburned fool: 2004-11-18

The reason for killing Alric could be additional pressure on Siuan mind for making her easier tell all her secrets. Death of an warder puts an AS in instabile state, even if she cannot concentrate on it, and that would help the torturer's task. The iron-will Siuan told everyhting relatively quick. Siuan also had no time for mourning about Alric, so the torture had to begin right after Siuan was lead out of Amyrlin's room.


AnotherForsaken: 2006-08-23

I doubt that alric stayed outside of her office all the time. He was probably somewhere in the tower, and as soon as siuan was shielded he felt her fear through the bond and came running in, he ran right by a warder/Aes Sedai and got stabbed in the back for his troubles.

maybe shielding fuzzes the bond somewhat.

oh, and Aes Sedai can definately kill even with the three oaths, they just cant use the One Power to do it.