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y removing Cadusane?

by Turandil: 2004-04-12 | 4.5 out of 10 (8 votes)

Previous Categories: Alivia: Who and How

Hrmmm...its late and i have been thinking. Is it possible that Alivia will help Rand die by not letting Cadusane help him live?

"Alivia would finish her, Lews Therin muttered. She's going to help us die; she'd remove Cadsuane for us, if you tell her to." (CoT Ch. 24)

What if she does remove Cadusane who because of that won't be able to teach him laughter and tears and therefor sentences him to death?
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Tamyrlin: 2004-06-02

(Frenzy for Tamyrlin)
i rather like this one. It looks at Min's viewing from an entirely different angle. i'd like to see this theory fleshed out some more, if possible.


Anubis: 2004-06-02

first reaction:

no min had a prophesy. those things happen. cadsuane is going to teach all the asha man somthing they wont like learning. (that they are human) I think that mins prophesies are pretty infallable.

second reaction:

if what cadsuane has to teach rand according to mins viewing is somthing other then laughter and tears then this is potentially valid. flesh it out a bit more.


snakes-n-foxes: 2004-06-02

I think Cadsuane only wants to see him to the Last Battle alive...and also to teach him, and the Ashaman to laugh.

I'm sure Cadsuane wants a bit more than that, but that seems to be the core of what she wants.


Kinslayer: 2004-06-02

This interpretation of Min's viewing contradicts her other viewing of Cadsuane teaching Rand and the Asha'man something they will need. RJ took such a long time in getting Rand to accept Cadsuane as advisor to throw it all away.

I don't believe this is how Alivia will help Rand die.


Aelfinn: 2004-06-02

It's interesting but I don't think it will happen. RJ isn't _QUITE_ that sadistic yet. Not quite.


a dragonburned fool: 2004-06-03

Cadsuane's task to teach him laught and cry IMO is not for keeping Rand alive, but for keeping the World alive. Teaching Rand laugh and cry is for making his influence on the world's future (ta'verenal and normal ruler's and ideological-legendar influence) not bad but good. Cadsuane's tasks could be well fulfilled IMO by Rand dying as a human being in the Tarmon Gai'don.

And I'm not so sure about Alivia being so ready to act against Cadsuane as LTT is thinking...


mako0424: 2004-06-13

I think Alivia has almost become LTT's Agan'Nor. As in she is a hugely powerful channeler who will do whatever the Dragon says, but the person Alivia reveres most after Rand is Cadsuane. i think this thery is weak, but Alivia will help Rand die.


Vercisisolde: 2004-06-13

A dragonburned fool is right. The laughter and tears bit was not to save Rnad, but to prevent an Aridhol effect from happening on the entire world if he won the Last Battle.