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Your search for the tag 'heroes of the horn' yielded 61 results

  • 1

    Interview: Nov 21st, 1998


    Will more Heroes be bound to the Horn?

    Robert Jordan



  • 2

    Interview: 2010

    Azral Hanan (2 August 2010)

    Why is the Dragon 'one with the Land'? Is it just due to him being ta'veren or is there more to it?

    Brandon Sanderson (2 August 2010)

    More to it. More about being the Dragon than being ta'veren. Who he is.


    So it's more than a title or being ta'veren and Hero of the Horn? The Dragon plays its own unique role in the Pattern?


    Note that Prophecy says that the Dragon specifically is reborn time after time.

    Azral Hanan

    RJ said the soul is immortal. But Hopper says dying in the Wolf Dream is likely permanent. Is Hopper wrong?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO, for now. Ask again after the last book is out.


  • 3

    Interview: Oct 11th, 2005

    Ted Herman

    Did Artur Hawkwing know he was a hero of the Horn? (I asked this because of a quote in BWB when he was on his deathbed, saying the battle is not over yet).

    Robert Jordan

    No, not when he was alive.


  • 4

    Interview: 2011

    Twitter 2011 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    sleepinghour (6 January 2011)

    Without revealing names, did RJ's notes say whether any character besides Rand is the reincarnation of someone important?

    Brandon Sanderson (6 January 2011)

    This is a difficult one to answer, as I think even an answer might give some people too much of a clue. I'll consider.


  • 5

    Interview: 2011

    Twitter 2011 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Brandon Sanderson (7 January 2011)

    I love that in our second Perrin viewpoint ever, he's already grumbling about being made a leader—right after expertly taking charge.


    Hm. Never noticed that before. First time Perrin sees Elyas's eyes: "Some memory tickled the back of Perrin's mind." Thoughts?


    Perrin later dismisses this premonition as simply "Oh, I was thinking of wolf eyes." But I wonder. Was he a Wolfbrother in past lives?


    RJ said that Wolfbrotherness is a soul trait. So, possible, though it wouldn't be a recent life.


    Well, that depends. I know a lot of fans believe that in most cases, lives are once per Age, with the soul going somewhere between.


    I can't remember if RJ ever said anything on this.


    Yeah, but Birgitte lived several lives in this Age. I always assumed it was because she can't channel (shorter lifespan).


  • 6

    Interview: 2010

    HBFFerreira (15 August 2010)

    Noal Charin: was he drawn to Mat by the pull of a ta'veren, or was there something of a "Hero to Hornsounder" pull as well?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    You're making assumptions about Noal that have not been clarified in the text. ;)


    On a more serious note, total RAFO on whether Jain is/was/will be a Hero. It's been talked about for years and years.


    And I suspect that it will continue to be a source of discussion for some time. ;)


    Well, it's such a common assumption that I didn't even realize it hadn't been stated as true yet. :-p


    But while I'm assuming, I take it that Noal's past may be one of those things Robert Jordan didn't intend to reveal. :-p


    RAFO on what RJ would or wouldn't reveal. :)


    I wonder "when" will Farstrider's real background be exposed to Mat, Thom?


    At least four people should know who Farstrider really is: Loial, Elder Haman, Elder Arent, and Speaker Covril.


    Two other characters might know who Farstrider really is too: Birgitte from Ebou Dar, and Luca from Shangtai.


    Obviously a bunch of other older characters have a chance of recognizing Noal as Farstrider in Caemlyn too.


    Continues whistling and walking the other direction.


  • 7

    Interview: 2010

    HBFFerreira (16 August 2010)

    Elayne and Rand's babies... Calian and Shivan?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    RAFO ... on Elayne's babes. :)


  • 8

    Interview: 2011

    Twitter 2011 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Justin Lee (18 January 2011)

    Any thoughts on my "Mat is Gaidal Cain" theory? His time with the snakes/foxes makes me wonder.

    Brandon Sanderson (18 January 2011)

    Do you REALLY want me to weigh in on this?


    Absolutely! Though I'm likely to get a RAFO ;)


    Well, as I remember, RJ said that Olver was too old to be Gaidal Cain. If Olver's to old, then Mat...


    He's certainly going to be late to the Big Show if he was naturally born after Olver.


    Gaidal has been reborn, and I do know who he is, and he is younger than Olver. (Sorry.)


    Not sure if this was asked but have we seen Gaidal Cain reincarnated "on screen"?


    RAFO on Cain, I'm afraid.


  • 9

    Interview: Jun 16th, 1995

    Robert Jordan

    When Moghedien ripped out Birgitte from Tel'aran'rhiod she "short-circuited" the Pattern, by bringing in an adult "in the flesh" instead of letting Birgitte join Gaidal Cain the "normal" way. He said also that Gaidal Cain may not have any role to play in Tarman Gai'don. ["may"—consider that—my note]


  • 10

    Interview: Jun 27th, 1996

    AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)


    What happens to Birgitte if the Horn of Valere is sounded again?

    Robert Jordan

    Read and find out, my children, read and find out. :)


  • 11

    Interview: Oct 9th, 1996


    When Birgitte says she remembers a tale of a female Warder after being bonded to Elayne, does she remember herself?

    Robert Jordan



  • 12

    Interview: Oct 19th, 1998

    Joey from Arizona

    Mr. Jordan, my favorite character is Mat, and I was wondering, do you find it ironic that a Hero of the Wheel, who does not know that he is a Hero of the Wheel, blew the Horn of Valere? Also, where did you get the idea for Mat?

    Robert Jordan

    Oh, Mat is a lot of guys. Mat is Coyote and Trickster and a lot of other characters out of myth and legend. He's the reluctant hero, he's a lot of things. He's the bad boy on the Harley. He's a lot of legends.


  • 13

    Interview: Oct 22nd, 1998

    Pam Basham

    Regarding the Dragon and the Dragon Reborn (and Graendal's thoughts about Ishamael's musings):

    "Is this soul born in any other Age, or only at the advent and (theoretically, of course) the closing of the Third Age, as the Dragon/the Dragon Reborn?"

    Robert Jordan

    This soul is one of the Heroes, and bound to the Wheel, spun out as the Pattern wills. "It" is born in other Ages, but in a non-Dragon incarnation, to suit the pattern of that Age.

    Pam Basham

    In the course of this answer, he related this to why Hawkwing calls Rand "Lews Therin" at Falme—because Hawkwing recognizes this soul. This didn't really tell me why he specifically calls him "Lews Therin", but apparently they've been hangin' together in Tel'aran'rhiod and the etiquette there is to call each other by the name of your last incarnation. (My interpretation.)


  • 14

    Interview: Oct 22nd, 1998

    Pam Basham

    Regarding That Whole Thing About the Horn—Hawkwing vs. Moiraine

    Question: Hawkwing says they follow the banner and the Dragon. Moiraine says the Heroes will follow whoever winds the Horn. Was Moiraine wrong?

    Robert Jordan

    *Arch look* Moiraine doesn't know everything. She was speaking the truth as she knows it.

    Pam Basham

    (I took this to imply that Moiraine was misinformed, and the conflict resolved, until he continued.)

    Robert Jordan

    However, she is correct in that whoever sounds the Horn "controls the Heroes." [exact quote]

    Pam Basham

    (I started to get confused at this point. Is Moiraine right or is she wrong? What's he trying to tell me?)

    Question: Then what happens if the Dragon and the banner are on opposite sides of the conflict from whoever sounds the Horn?

    Robert Jordan

    "Then we get a [rift] in the Pattern." [1]

    Pam Basham

    (This elicited a pronounced Startled Moment from Harriet, which I took at the time to express the same reaction as me—"A WHAT?!?"—but which Kevin told me later he interpreted to be more along the lines of "I can't believe you're telling them that!" It could, of course, mean something entirely different.)

    At this point, part of my mind was running wild down paths about the Dark One and potential entrances into the Pattern, while the rest of it remained stunned, frozen, in absolute denial: "A WHAT?!?"I remain steadfastly in denial about this one. Oh, sure. He did say it, and if it becomes relevant, he'll work it in, no doubt. But I firmly believe he Made This Up. If the Dark One was aware of this, it seems to me that he'd be working a lot harder on making this happen, since it would seem to represent the equivalent of a serious "crack in the door to the Pattern." It's so much less work than using up all your main players (Chosen) in inefficient, conflicting plots and setting up Rand for "easily escapable situations involving an overly elaborate and exotic Death." [2]

    [1] I'm not certain if this is the exact word he used. It may have been "schism" or "breach," but it was definitely a word expressing the concept of a forced opening/rupture. Sorry. It was lost in the momentary brain freeze.

    [2] Moridin, of course. He's overly elaborate and exotic even before he puts on his silk coats.


  • 15

    Interview: Nov 21st, 1998

    Rachel K. Warren

    Because I didn't bring my list of questions and I was really nervous, I asked the only question I could think of offhand: Would Birgitte know English?

    Robert Jordan

    Jordan said something to the fact that she would if she remembered it. I guess Birgitte is a really old soul. :-)


  • 16

    Interview: Sep 20th, 1999

    Robert Jordan

    I re-asked the question about the Shadow controlling one of the Horn or the banner, and he said that the Heroes would have to follow the Horn (I think. I don't have this on tape, so...But he didn't say anything about a rift, which was what I'd heard someone say he said before?)


  • 17

    Interview: Nov 11th, 2000

    Beth Silver from Austin, TX

    Aside from the Heroes of the Horn waiting around in the World of Dreams, is there any kind of afterlife in WOT? Do the Heroes get a choice when they are linked to the Horn; can they retire, or take 'ordinary life' sabbaticals?

    Robert Jordan

    In answer to the first question, yes, there is an ordinary afterlife. In answer to the second, no. You cannot decide NOT to be a Hero linked to the Wheel.


  • 18

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2000 Chat (Verbatim)


    Mr. Jordan, since Gaidal Cain has been born only recently in the WOT universe, how is it that he will grow old enough to fight in the upcoming battle (Tarmon Gai'don)? It will take at least 15 years for him to grow big enough to fight. and what about the other Heroes? Will they also be reborn, or will they remain to be recalled only by the Horn?

    Robert Jordan

    Who says that what Gaidal has been reborn to do is to fight the Last Battle? There is more to do to keep the Pattern on course than the Last Battle.


  • 19

    Interview: Dec 5th, 2000

    Robert Jordan

    Someone asked if a hero of the Wheel that had already been spun out could still be seen in Tel'aran'rhiod. He said point blank "No". I'm hoping the person who posed that question will also post about it, in case I got something wrong.


  • 20

    Interview: Dec 12th, 2000

    CNN Chat (Verbatim)


    Mr. Jordan, is it possible that in another age, another turning of the wheel, that saidar could be tainted instead of saidin? This relates to the Female Dragon Theory.

    Robert Jordan

    That is not something I intend to explore.


  • 21

    Interview: Apr 4th, 2001


    In this same Age, in a different Turning of the Wheel of Time, could it be possible that it wouldn't be Rand's soul that was spun out as the Dragon, but for a different, female soul to take on this role?

    Robert Jordan

    Jordan said "Yes" then maybe a few more words and only then did I remember to actually put the recorder on again. If I remember correctly Avaeus taped those first few words on his digital camera however, so I'll see if I can add those exact words here.

    (transcription) would have to be. Err, in the differences between the same Age in different turnings of the Wheel, are that.. as for an analogy: imagine two tapestries hanging on a wall, and you look at them from the back of the room to the front of the store. And to look at them, they look identical to you. But as you get closer, you begin to see differences. And if you get close enough, they don't look anything at all alike. That is the difference between the Ages. Between the Age in one Turning and the Age in another. So it's quite possible that someone other than Rand could be the reborn soul of the Dragon Reborn. [And that's the phrase that ended my jubilation.]


    It would be the same soul, or it would be a different soul?

    Robert Jordan

    It would be the same soul. That is, that is the belief of the world that I've set up, that it's the same soul. It's a soul of someone bound to the Wheel, which is spun out for the purposes, for the Wheel's purposes really, to attempt to re-balance the Weaving of the Pattern.


    But the soul would always be male. Souls don't change gender, so ...

    Robert Jordan the soul of the Dragon Reborn is always going to be male, just as Birgitte's soul is always born as a woman, just as Ameresu's soul is always born as a woman. There are divisions here, and they are not interchangeable.


    [He actually pronounced this as Amatherisu. Anyone else find it curious that Jordan would place her on equal footing with Rand and Birgitte? The way he said this reminded me of Mother Therese, just like "Materese the Healer" (The Eye of the World, Chapter 4). Ameresu could most definitely be the same person as Materese. And the "The Healer" tag suddenly gets a lot more meaning, when thinking about how important she is to Jordan...]


  • 22

    Interview: Apr 4th, 2001


    When the line was almost done I went back in line again, getting Jordan to dedicate the books to me (instead of just having his autograph in them.) The interview-man was not happy with it, but at least I managed to get through... the people behind me who also were going for a second round weren't so lucky. (Of course, then the interview-man asked Jordan to sign a huge stack of Winter's Heart books for the bookstore, probably so they can sell them for a lot of money...)

    Robert Jordan

    While there I asked another quick question, "Are Mat and Perrin Heroes of the Horn reborn?", which got RAFO'd, as I feared. Sorry Witte, I tried.


  • 23

    Interview: Apr 7th, 2001


    What happens to the soul of someone when he becomes a Gray Man? Is his thread removed from the Pattern, or are threads and souls different things all together?

    Robert Jordan

    Err, they are...oh, uhm, no, it is gone. It is gone. And it ceases to exist in any form that you could of as real.


    So threads and souls are the same thing?

    Robert Jordan

    Err, not the same thing, but they must coexist. The thread can be removed; you die in this world. You die and the soul remains to come again and begin another thread. The soul disappears from this Gray Man, it's gone. Think of the Dark One as having eaten it. It's a fiction, but a convenient fiction for the moment. The thread of the Gray Man remains until the Gray Man dies, physically.


    And the rest of the Shadowspawn?

    Robert Jordan

    What? Do they have souls you mean?


    Yeah, and how do their threads work?

    Robert Jordan

    The threads work in the way, in the same way that the thread of any living thing works. It is part of the Pattern. They are not outside of the Pattern. Neither are the Forsaken. But the Pattern in a thing that is open, that's change. It is not a matter of the lives being forced necessarily. It's wide, you have the Pattern, the Heroes that are bound to the Wheel, they're not always heroes in the way of someone who rides in galloping with a sword, or carries out daring rescues. The people, the Heroes who are bound to the Wheel, are the corrective mechanisms. Human behavior is throwing the Pattern out. It's throwing the balance off. And the Wheel spins out the proper correctives. Put everything back in the balance. So not even the Forsaken are apart from that, they're not outside. The only things that are outside are the Creator and the Dark One. Neither is affected by the Pattern.


  • 24

    Interview: Sep 4th, 2005


    At the end of The Great Hunt when Rand and Ishamael were fighting in the air above Falme, they appeared in the sky over many places and my question is whether this is something done by the One Power or something done by the Creator? How did they appear in the sky?

    Robert Jordan

    An effect of the Wheel, really. It wasn't the Creator. The Wheel is more than a simple mechanism. Remember the Wheel can spin out ta'veren, can spin out Heroes as a self-correcting device because the Pattern is drifting from what it is supposed to be. We are not talking about something as simple as a spinning wheel at all, we are talking something more along the lines of the most complex computer you could possibly imagine. There were at that time, two, there were false Dragons that had a chance to create a lot of disruption. By the appearance in the sky at that battle, not just in Falme but in other places, those false Dragons were taken off the board because there was only room now for one, for one Dragon.


  • 25

    Interview: Oct 29th, 2005


    A guy asked if Birgitte were to be born in an Age like today, would she still be an archer, or would she be an Annie Oakley type of a person—a great sniper?

    Robert Jordan

    RJ said that she would always be an archer, no matter what.


  • 26

    Interview: Nov 13th, 2009


    I did get to ask a question Terez put me up to.

    Brandon Sanderson

    His answer was no, Heroes of the Horn are not always ta'veren at all in their lifetimes when spun out. Sometimes, they even live normal lives and don't do anything extraordinary, like they sometimes spend their lives as farmers, etc.


  • 27

    Interview: Nov 11th, 2009


    In Falme we saw Rand fighting Ishamael and the Heroes of the Horn and the Seanchan were mirroring the progress of the battle. Does this mean that there is something inherently evil about the Seanchan Empire?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nobody in WoT is inherently evil, except for Shadowspawn. At the time, the Seanchan were being led by a Darkfriend.


  • 28

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2009


    Heroes of the Horn, are they corrective mechanisms by themselves, or are they corrective mechanisms by virtue of being ta'veren?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Heroes are not always ta'veren. So, yes, they are corrective mechanisms by themselves.


  • 29

    Interview: Apr 23rd, 2010

    Matt Hatch

    Is the Horn an object of the Power?

    Maria Simons

    RAFO, but I will tell you something about the Horn. People always ask why the inscription on the Horn is in the Old Tongue, if it's so old. It was added in the Age of Legends.


    It should also be noted that, when a panel moderator asked the audience if we wanted to see the Heroes of the Horn come back before the end, Maria raised her hand high.


  • 30

    Interview: Jun 10th, 2010


    On Falme, Rand and the Seanchan.

    Question: In Falme we saw Rand fighting Ishamael and the Heroes of the Horn and the Seanchan were mirroring the progress of the battle. Does this mean that there is something inherently evil about the Seanchan Empire?

    Answer: Nobody in WoT is inherently evil, except for Shadowspawn. At the time, the Seanchan were being led by a Darkfriend.

    I almost didn't include this, it's so nitpicky, but you said you liked that. Feel free to ignore. Is this then to imply that the reason the Seanchan were paralleled with Ishamael in the fights was because Suroth was leading them? I always assumed that it was Rand's personal enmity that caused the correlation—he saw both Ishamael and the Seanchan as the bad guys, and therefore, under the effect of the Wheel's push for the Dragon event, combined with the influence of Rand's ta'maral'ailen and the 'loose reality' resulting from the sounding of the Horn, the two got linked in the weaving of the moment? Was it then more involved with the links between Suroth and Ishamael?

    Maria Simons

    I can't really add anything to Jim's answer. It certainly seems to indicate that it was the link between Suroth and Ishamael.


    Maria was mistaken that the question quoted by Luckers was answered by Robert Jordan. The question was answered by Brandon Sanderson in November 2009 on The Gathering Storm book tour stop in Dayton, OH.


  • 31

    Interview: Jun 10th, 2010


    At the end of The Great Hunt after the Horn is sounded, Hawkwing goes to ride off, then states that 'something is wrong' and that 'something' holds him, and says to Rand 'you are here, have you the banner?' This has led to the perception that the Horn requires the Dragon or the Dragon banner to work. Is this perception correct, or is this a result of the Weave of the Moment, or just plain Hawkwing's sense of romanticism?

    Maria Simons

    I would think, given that the banner was hidden with the Horn of Valere, that it might indeed be very necessary for it. I have no idea why, though, or how.


  • 32

    Interview: Apr 17th, 2011

    Terez (sleepinghour)

    If a dead Hero who can channel is called by the Horn, can they channel at the battle?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, they can.


  • 33

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    Ted Herman ()

    Are there any rogue Heroes of the Horn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Depends on your definition of rogue.

    Ted Herman

    As for definition of rogue, I would say if a Hero was acting intentionally or not to either advance the goals of the Shadow or to interfere with the actions of other Heroes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I do not know of any. We can MAFO it, but I'm pretty sure that there are none doing that. They don't all get along, mind you. But I don't believe any of them are Darkfriends.

    Maria Simons

    There are no rogue Heroes of the Horn.


  • 34

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    simenasak ()

    Will Gaidal Cain be spun out as a hero of the horn of Valere should the horn be sounded again? Can a hero show up there if alive? Will a hero become a "copy" that rests within the horn until called to arms?

    Brandon Sanderson

    As I understand, if you are 'spun out' you do not respond to the call of the Horn. So no Cain showing up if it is sounded again, as he's been spun out.


    As you understand it? Isn't your understanding more or less canon at this point?


    No, it's not his world or book series. He can misunderstand something just as well as the next guy.

    Not saying he did here, but just 'cuz he's finishing the series doesn't mean, for example, he can retcon or change anything or do "whatever he wants or thinks".


    No of course not. But if there are two ways to understand something (that RJ has written) wouldn't it be up to Sanderson to decide which of those he believes to be right?

    So if he thinks that when he's spun out he wont respond to the Horn, no one can ever prove him wrong (there are nothing in the books to contradict this), so wouldn't his understanding be the "right" one?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Here's the thing. There are three million+ words of notes, and RJ changed his mind about a lot of things as he wrote, explored, and made decisions. (He talked about this being his process. He saw the Wheel of Time as an organic thing.) So any time I speak on an issue like this, there's the chance that Maria (his assistant) will come to me and say "Actually, Brandon, he changed his mind on that. Look here for the revision." Half the time, it's something he mentioned in passing to her, Harriet, or Alan and isn't even written down.

    So...on things I think I know, but haven't confirmed with Team Jordan yet, I usually add some wiggle room. My knowledge is far from absolute. Fortunately, everything in the books I write gets fact-checked a half dozen times. (Even then, some of my mistakes slip through.)


  • 35

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    Isabel ()

    1. How many of the Heroes of the Horn are currently "in the flesh"?

    2. How did the Eye of the World's location move about?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, wow. You're going to make me dig into the notes, aren't you?

    Why don't I MAFO those? Send me an email and I'll dig through to get your answers, or will have Maria do it.

    Maria Simons

    1. Oh, the passage of time. If I had answered these back when I should have, I would have RAFOed. But now that A Memory of Light is out, at least I will say that there are fewer than there were. I don’t have hard numbers on all the heroes.

    2. I don’t know.


  • 36

    Interview: 2001

    Thus Spake the Creator (Paraphrased)

    Signing Report (Workings of the Wheel)

    Robert Jordan

    Female Dragon..NO when a female hero is needed she is one of the ones bound to the Wheel. Jordan did mention a name but I didn't hear it. But he did say the Dragon is never female.

    Let's try and clear some of this up... I can't remember the exact question, but from what I read in this thread, it doesn't matter (I haven't read the Female Dragon thread). RJ said that, no, it is not possible to have a female Dragon. If the wheel needs a female Dragon, then it would weave in *insert female Dragon name here*. Probably because of the blank faces he was getting he then added, you can find her in the scene where Mat blows the Horn...

    He also said that a soul ready to be reborn cannot change gender, therefor the Dragon is ALWAYS male.


    This might actually be two different reports; since we haven't found the original sources for either, we're not sure.


  • 37

    Interview: 2006


    Robert Jordan

    Anselan F24. Historical. Dunsinin 532 F24. Historical. The pair are linked, if not quite as Birgitte remembers them.


  • 38

    Interview: Dec 2nd, 2010


    While we're talking about non-existent or 'gone' people here, why don't I ask a question that's been irking me for about five or six books now. Where did Gaidal Cain go?

    Maria Simons

    Birgitte thinks he's been reborn into the world.


    That's a nice answer.


    No kidding.


    Birgitte thinks he's been reborn?


    She's mooning over all the ugly boy-children she can get her hands on, thinking "Ohh, maybe this is him!"


    But keep in mind the only way she thinks that is because she hadn't seen him for a while in Tel'aran'rhiod before she was yanked out by Moghedien. So we don't even know if that's true, do we? (I just threw that out for what it's worth.)


    But she did always say that he was usually born before her, but we don't know how long in real world time, so he could be more than a child, hopefully. Or he could still be lurking in Tel'aran'rhiod.


    But there's no way he could be more than a child. Correct me if I'm wrong, Alan, but the entirety of the books we have isn't more than a couple of years, is it?


    Yeah, it's been about twenty-four months for the main characters. Alan would know for sure.


    Yes, I'm not saying this is true. Well, of course I know, but I can give you various possibilities: he could be born as a child right now; he could still be lurking in Tel'aran'rhiod; he could have been ripped out the same way Birgitte had been, in which case he would be an adult, right?


    Unless he was dead. Because wouldn't it require someone to bond him after he gets ripped out? Wasn't that kind of the deal with Birgitte?




    Well, maybe he's stronger than she was…maybe he's…


    There are a lot of possibilities.


    Unless somebody has a really ugly Warder they're not talking about… [laughter]


    Not all Warders are beautiful. I mean…


    Go check Myrelle's quarters. I know Myrelle has a real penchant for hiding extra Warders around… [laughter]


    Yeah, but she likes hers pretty.


    She got Lan.


    Lan's impressive, but I don't know if anybody would call him pretty any more. [laughter]


  • 39

    Interview: Dec 5th, 2000


    Would a hero tied to the Wheel be seen in Tel'aran'rhiod after he'd been born?

    Robert Jordan



  • 40

    Interview: Apr, 2012


    Are the Tel'aran'rhiod precepts enforced, and did breaking them expose Birgitte to what Moghedien did?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, not as far as I know, and I’m pretty solid on... I went through the notes on Tel'aran'rhiod heavily in the course of my work on the Wheel, so yeah.


  • 41

    Interview: 2012

    Twitter 2012 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Andrew J. Parker (29 April 2012)

    Hi Brandon. Any chance you can tell me whether Rand is a Hero of the Horn? Thanks!

    Brandon Sanderson (29 April 2012)

    RAFO! :)


    RJ has confirmed that he is.


  • 42

    Interview: Apr 24th, 2010


    Is there any way for someone to be removed completely from the Pattern?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (Sorry I cannot put out his precise words, but here is the gist)—Jordan started by having balefire do this, but he later debunked this theory by saying someone killed by balefire can be reborn at some point. We currently know of nothing/no method that will completely remove someone from the Pattern.


    I thanked him and turned to walk away at this point, so that he could continue with the signing. But he called me back and commented that:

    Brandon Sanderson

    The wolves in the Wolf Dream. We know that in the Wolf Dream something can be completely removed from the Pattern.


    (Again, not his exact words, but this pretty close. Perhaps J.D can back me up here. He was there.)


    Birgitte also said that death for the dead heroes in Tel'aran'rhiod is permanent, but Brandon was writing Towers of Midnight at the time and he probably had Hopper on the brain.


  • 43

    Interview: Sep 3rd, 2005

    Isabel (later)

    I just remembered one question I asked RJ. And I thought I didn't include it. I asked if Calian and Shivan are born at the end of every Age.

    Robert Jordan

    As far as I remember the answer was yes. ;)


    I think I also asked if they are already born, but that must have been a RAFO. :)

    Not very interesting, but perhaps another Theorylander was with me at that time. ;) (I thought I didn't include it [in an earlier report], but I am not 100 percent sure. :p )


  • 44

    Interview: Nov 3rd, 2012


    I also asked him if the Heroes of the Horn are invulnerable when they are called by the Horn.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was very ready for this question—when I started to explain that Birgitte told Nynaeve something along those lines in The Shadow Rising he said that he knows the quote I mean and then he said this. Firstly, the Heroes when called by the Horn are not completely invulnerable. But he specifically said that he is not saying that one of them will die. Rather, he said that the issue will be addressed in a discussion between two characters in the book.


    I found this to be a very interesting answer. I think it puts a serious crimp on the theories that Rand will die and come back to fight the Dark One as a Hero of the Horn.


  • 45

    Interview: 2012

    Sneegro-damus (August 2012)

    Does anybody else think it would be a cool thing to get Brandon Sanderson to do an AMA? I'm really curious about how he went about writing the last few novels of the series. How would we go about getting him to do an AMA?

    Brandon Sanderson (August 2012)

    What do you want to know about the process? I sometimes have to be vague about what I did and what RJ did, as Harriet prefers people to read the books and enjoy them without spending a lot of time trying to pick out the differences between our styles. I can try to answer a few questions if you pitch them at me, though.


    I don't have any questions, I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and dedication that you have put into finishing this series.

    I picked up this series about 10 or 12 years ago, and being in Randland helped me get through some tough times. I was very sad when Jordan died, and when Harriet made the announcement that you were going to finish the series, I must admit that I had my doubts.

    So I figured I would take a look at your work, and picked up Mistborn. That book was awesome! So after finishing the trilogy, I was like "Ok, this guy can write, he is the perfect pick to finish WoT."

    I wanted to jump in and start reading The Gathering Storm, but by that point it had been a while since I had read Knife of Dreams, so I went back and started at the beginning, and when I got to the books you wrote, I was very impressed.

    There were so many good moments in The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight, I don't know where to begin. The one that stands out the most in my mind is Mat's story at the end of Towers of Midnight.

    Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the release of A Memory of Light. You rock, Brandon Sanderson!

    tl;dr: Just wanted to let Sanderson know how much it means to me that he has done such a stellar job in completing one of the fantasy series that is near and dear to my heart.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It has been an honor.


    I've read things before from you saying that you received a lot of written guidance as well as ideas that hadn't been fully fleshed out by Mr. Jordan to help you take the stories towards the conclusion he'd always had in mind.

    Once you had worked through the stories that Mr. Jordan wanted to be told in your head and got down to writing, was there anything that you really wanted to include or thought would have a special level of awesomity but felt that you shouldn't because it went against (or would probably be against, under different circumstances) the ideas Jordan had?

    For clarification, did you ever feel like a character should experience something that Mr. Jordan hadn't mentioned or had clearly discouraged? Or feel that something should happen that Mr. Jordan hadn't conceived or didn't want?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is a good question. Yes, there are things I'd have done differently—but out of respect for Mr. Jordan's desires and the integrity of the series, I haven't done them. For example, I like to use magic in ways that Mr. Jordan didn't. You see me playing with this a little bit in my use of gateways. There are many things possible with weaves (particularly since you can tie them off) that I feel exploring would have changed the focus of the stories in ways I don't think Mr. Jordan would have wanted.

    One thing that specifically came up once was me wanting to delve more into the Heroes of the Horn. The Wheel has always turned, and time is infinite. If people can occasionally be added to the Horn, that would mean that the number of people tied to the Horn is also infinite unless people get unbound as well as bound. I wanted to explore this idea—in conversation only, this isn't a plot point—but was persuaded by Team Jordan that RJ wanted nobody ever to be unbound, and that exploration in this direction would go against his vision for the world.


    Thank you for your answer, I've never had the pleasure of interacting with you directly before, although I am making my through your series of lectures on YouTube (that I've always assumed you consented to?) which are truly very informative.

    You mentioned that there are aspects of the world of the WoT that you would like to explore in ways that Mr Jordan wouldn't. Would you be interested in writing spin off books, perhaps with different characters set in the same universe/world? Regardless of your interest in doing something like that, would you ever be allowed to?

    On a slightly related note, do you feel that there are any aspects (characters, magic, unexplored possibilities etc.) in the WoT series that have since influenced your other writings?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The main reason I haven't done things like this is because it's not my world, and I feel it should remain closer to RJ's vision. So, even if I were to do spin offs (which I don't think will happen) I would feel the same constraints. My goal has never to be to turn the Wheel of Time into something else; there is plenty of room in my own work to explore magic as I like to explore it. In the Wheel of Time, the magic is RJ's—and should remain true (as much as possible) to his vision.

    I would say that RJ's work, and my experience on the WoT, has taught me a number of things. RJ was far more subtle in some of his plotting than I am, and I'd like to think that seeing that has helped me learn to be better in that area. I also like how wonderful his third person limited viewpoint can be, as proven by Mat. (See the other answer I gave.) The way he shaped a narrative to the character giving it is amazing, and has influenced me greatly.


    Thanks again for the answer. I'm going to be far more conscious of Mat's narrative from now on with that answer!


  • 46

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2013

    Drew McCaffrey

    My name is Drew McCaffrey; I'm from Fort Collins, Colorado. I've been an absolutely huge fan of the series for eleven years now, and I just recently graduated as a creative writing major, and I'm a writer because of the Wheel of Time. [applause, cheers]

    My question is in regards to a debate that I've had with my cousin and a couple of my friends for a while now. Is it possible for a channeler to be tied to the Horn of Valere?

    Maria Simons

    (Brandon passes mic to Maria, laughter) Um, I think I'm gonna have to say, that's a really good question. [laughter] I honestly can't say why not.

    Drew McCaffrey

    (to his friends) HA! [laughter, applause]

    Maria Simons

    But! But I would really love to do some research before giving an absolute definitive answer [laughter] and I can't do that right now.

    Drew McCaffrey

    Would Lews Therin's soul be tied to the Horn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Lews Therin! He was.

    Maria Simons

    Well yeah. [laughter]

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was recognized.

    Maria Simons

    That's right. Absolutely.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was recognized, but was he tied to the Horn? Do we have confirmation of that happening? [laughter] Or they just know him? See, he's trying to trick us into saying things.

    Harriet McDougal

    Maria's saying she'll have to look it up and post it.

    Drew McCaffrey

    Ooh. Agreed. Well, thank you very much, all of you, for being here tonight and...yeah. [laughter, applause]


    Robert Jordan confirmed that Rand was a hero of the Horn.


  • 47

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Jourdan Vian (23 January 2013)

    What would've happened had Elayne not bonded Birgitte, given how Birgitte's death went in A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I believe she'd still have come when the Horn was blown.


  • 48

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Joe Satchwell (23 January 2013)

    Is Gaidal Cain, Grady's kid, Gadren?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    That's a good theory. Some fans think he would be too old, however. What do you think?


    According to RJ's comments on the subject, he is too old; Rand thought he was about four years old in Lord of Chaos, and even if Rand was off, Gaidal can't have been any more than two months old at the time, and was more likely just being born. It stretches credulity that Rand would have mistaken a newborn baby for a four-year-old child.


  • 49

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Christopher Thaeler (23 January 2013)

    Are Elayne's twins intended to be Heroes of the Horn?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    It could happen.


  • 50

    Interview: Nov 4th, 2012

    Rebecca Lovatt

    Okay, so can Darkfriends or maybe even Forsaken be bound to the Horn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Let's see if I can answer this one... They're not going to be, I don't think there's a law against... But only the greatest heroes are bound to the Horn. They are not the greatest heroes. So, why are you asking this?

    Rebecca Lovatt

    I’m pretty much asking about Verin, and the likelihood of her being bound.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, I don't know that there would be anything forbidding Verin from being bound to the Horn.

    Rebecca Lovatt

    Is there any mention of that in A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a RAFO.

    Rebecca Lovatt

    Alright, thank you though...


  • 51

    Interview: Feb 12th, 2013


    Some would like a definitive answer: Are channelers ever bound to the Horn? (Rand? Egwene?)

    Brandon Sanderson

    "They certainly could be." Brandon and Harriet agreed that, although the notes never specified any channelers who were so bound, there was nothing in the notes to indicate it couldn’t/didn't happen either, and they both believe it’s entirely possible.


    (A follow-on question might be asked about whether Egwene might be a Hero, but they didn't give me the impression that they were hedging—which they probably would have, if that were in the notes.)


    RJ previously confirmed that Rand/Lews Therin was a Hero of the Horn.


  • 52

    Interview: Feb 16th, 2013


    I have a question about who Gaidal and Birgitte might be reborn as. I was wondering if Gaidal could be the son of an Asha'man and if Birgitte might be reborn as an Aiel?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Gaidal definitely could be, and there's a pretty big hint in Towers of Midnight that many folks online have found. As for Birgitte, it's possible.


    Do you know who Birgitte is reborn as?

    Brandon Sanderson



    I think a case could be made for Melaine, as the Wise Ones talk about her time being near.

    Brandon Sanderson

    In the WoT, a soul becomes tied to the body at viability.


    (As noted in the group Q&A per Robert Jordan.)

    I think that's pretty much confirmation that Gaidal is Grady's son. I can't decide whether the comment on viability is to direct attention towards Elayne, as she is at that stage of pregnancy, confirmed by that crazy scene. I know in the torchat Brandon said the notes don't say who Melaine's children are, so maybe he's just stating everything he knows. I prefer to think that Elayne's children might be Calian and Shivan and would usher in the end of the current age. I look forward to the encyclopedia, that's for sure!


  • 53

    Interview: Feb 19th, 2013


    Quick note before I pass out, just wanted to let you guys know that I only ended up having time for a single question; I asked "if there are any humans who have found a way, or been given a way, to inhabit Tel'aran'rhiod beyond a normal lifetime, without being a Hero of the Horn" for Freelancer and Wet @145/146 :P (I figured my Callandor questions could be asked later...).

    Brandon Sanderson

    The answer was (Paraphrased): I don't know. It's possible, but I don't know if anyone has done so.


  • 54

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    I'm guessing you're aware that RJ told a couple of fans that the Heroes had to follow the Horn no matter who blew it (and that, if the Shadow blew the Horn, there would be some kind of 'rift' in the Pattern). What's the story there?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is an interesting one for a multitude of reasons. I actually worked under the assumption that whoever blew the Horn would control the Heroes, going so far as to write several sequences in the last book referencing that to heighten tension that if the Horn were indeed captured things would go VERY poorly for the Light.

    I was quite surprised, then, when Harriet wrote back to me on the manuscript quite energetically crossing out these lines and explaining that the Heroes could not ever follow the Shadow. I called and asked for confirmation and clarification, pointing out that it seemed otherwise from the text and from fandom interpretation. She explained that this was one of Jim's ruses, that the characters in book were wrong and repeating bad information, and that Jim had been very clear with her that it was not the case. I can only guess that these reports in fandom were cases where people asked Jim a question he could Aes Sedai his way out of, and something got muddled in the communication or the reporting somehow.

    (Feel free to follow up with Harriet and Maria on this one, if you want more. Honestly, I was surprised, and it was something we had quite a dialogue on as I worked on the final book. I fought longer than I probably should for the "Shadow can use the Horn" theory.)

    Maria Simons

    I really can't add anything here. I thought I was led to believe (as opposed to coming up with it myself) that the Heroes really wouldn't follow the Horn if it were blown by Team Dark, but I cannot swear to that. I was unaware of the rift answer. Of course, it's possible that the Heroes themselves don't know the correct answer; they're Heroes, after all, and unless there's some Hero orientation meeting where they are filled in on all the details, they may just assume that they're always going to be Heroes, as in champions of goodness and Light.


  • 55

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Mat asked Hawkwing to go talk to Tuon, but it's never actually said whether he did or not.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He did.


  • 56

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Shillster ()

    Why did the Heroes say they could be stopped by the One Power (wrapped up in air) when in The Great Hunt they clearly weren't affected by the damane's attacks? That seems inconsistent.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I thought we had this wiggle room through observation of the text and what RJ had written, but it's entirely possible that I'm wrong. I'd have to go look and dig out the appropriate quotes. That entire scene, I'll admit, came from my insistence that the Heroes not be able to simply fight the Last Battle on behalf of mankind. Since RJ wasn't explicit either way, I wanted it specifically mentioned that the Heroes are there to help, not to do all the work on their own. It's a narrative point of importance to me. Perhaps I went too far. I'll ask Maria about this at JordanCon this week and see if we made an error.


  • 57

    Interview: Apr 20th, 2013


    Why are some of the heroes of the Horn referred to by the name of their last incarnation, while others seem to have archetypal Birgitte, who I think has lived more recently than Birgitte. I might be wrong about that though, because we don't really have the details on that.

    Maria Simons

    I have no clue.


  • 58

    Interview: Mar 19th, 2014

    Res Ipsa

    Is Noal a new hero?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Brandon said that he disagreed with RJ's views that a hero once bound could not be unbound. Brandon thought that since the WoT is infinite, eventually everyone would be bound.


    I had talked to Brandon about this before, noting that it was possible for heroes of the horn to die a permanent death, if killed after death while in Tel'aran'rhiod, same as the wolves. (See The Fires of Heaven Chapter 14, "Meetings".) I figured he had forgotten, so I emailed him after Res posted his report. This is his response to me:

    Brandon Sanderson

    I had completely forgotten that. So there IS an unbinding method. You just can't live through it.

    For what it is worth, I am reasonably certain there is nothing in the notes about Noal being an old hero. [...] But maybe someone can find something in the notes at the [College of Charleston] library to be certain.


  • 59

    Interview: Mar 19th, 2014

    Res Ipsa

    Does a hero take on their most notorious form or their more recent?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most Notorious. Brandon did not say this was confirmed from RJ but rather "how he viewed it."


  • 60

    Interview: Apr 10th, 2014

    Matt Hatch

    Okay, so I had to write this down because . . .

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh yeah, so you’d make sure.

    Matt Hatch

    We know there are spirit-like entities tied to the call of a musical instrument. And we also know the mechanism Robert Jordan created—a super AI-like system, if you will, to guide the outcome of the many variations of all worlds. Finally, we know this super AI can upgrade the status of spirit-like entities as it needs. Therefore, has the super AI tied any female spirit-like entities of individuals who died during the fifty years prior to the final military engagement of the final book to the call of this said musical instrument? [Much clapping.]

    Jen Halbman

    Arbitrary decision . . . you win!

    Leigh Butler

    Matt, you have to send that to me . . . [?]

    Brandon Sanderson

    So, as a subset of paragraph 3, subsection B on the R. A. F. O. Rules of Engagement, this is definitely a Class A Read and Find Out.

    Jason Denzel

    Does he get a card?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I’ve got a . . . he’s got so many cards. Yeah, I cannot answer that.

    [Question about what Matt asked]

    Brandon Sanderson

    As I interpreted it, he asked if any women have been tied to the Horn of Valere in the last fifty years. Any women who were not previously tied to it. And so, I can speak of only one person that has been tied to the Horn of Valere in the last fifty years. Male, yes.


    Who is that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That was Jain Farstrider.


    You’re not allowed to talk about it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I can’t talk about it. You can interpret that as . . . Now I did preface this all by saying, “Here are the things that I won’t talk about.” So, you can kind of assume that if I can’t talk about it it’s because I don’t know, or I’m holding it back because it might be in the encyclopedia, or things like this.
