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Your search for the tag 'min's viewings' yielded 50 results

  • 1

    Interview: Jan 25th, 2005

    Week 16 Question

    Is there any relationship between Foretelling and Min's viewings? Or is Foretelling a talent that only manifests in someone who can channel? Is Min's ability completely unique, or has it appeared in Ages past?

    Robert Jordan

    There is no relationship whatsoever between Foretelling, which manifests only in someone who can channel, and Min's viewings. There have been versions of Min's viewings in some previous ages, though not exactly the same. Min, and the sniffers, and wolfbrothers appearing are all highly indicative, you know. New abilities, for this Age, are appearing, and that in itself indicates great changes coming. Great changes underway. Min's abilities will not remain unique; we have already seen one wolfbrother besides Perrin and Elyas, though a pitiful soul who couldn't master his gift, and there will be other sniffers. The Age is changing. The Wheel never stands still.


  • 2

    Interview: Oct 19th, 1994

    Compuserve Chat (Verbatim)


    Are Min's visions absolute foretellings or probabilities?

    Robert Jordan

    Her visions are absolute foretellings. The problem is, she doesn't always know what it means. The only changes from that are two visions she's had which indicated the possibility of the future forking, an "either/or." And that's the only time she's ever had anything like that.


    These two visions are: 1) A viewing of Gawyn: [TSR 47: Gawyn kneeling at Egwene's feet with his head bowed, and Gawyn breaking Egwene's neck, first one then the other, as if either could be the future....The things she saw were very rarely as clear in meaning as those two, and she had never before seen that fluttering back and forth, as though not even the viewing could tell which would be the true future. Worse, she had a feeling near to certainty that it was what she had done this day that had turned Gawyn toward those two possibilities.], and 2) A viewing of Rand, about Perrin: [LOC 46: "Twice he's going to have to be there, or you..." She peered into her goblet so he could not see her face. "If he's not, something bad will happen to you." Her voice sounded small and frightened. "Very bad."]

    EWOT: Prophecies


  • 3

    Interview: 2010

    Terez (30 July 2010)

    Does Min's comment to Corele mean that the Dark One can subvert her viewings BEFORE the Pattern is destroyed?


    Asked in reference to the viewing that Elza would serve Rand. Or did it simply not imply she would serve forever?

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    Elza did serve Rand, in her own way. It did not mean forever. That was not a subverting of the viewing. (Or wasn't meant to be.)


    Thanks! That's what I thought but some will still say you didn't answer the original question lol. It's Theoryland.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Robert Jordan taught me to give Aes Sedai answers.


    Fair enough. :)


    There is one case in which I suspect that RJ gave an Aes Sedai answer and the reporter may not have gotten it exactly.


    Q: Was Else always Lanfear? RJ: No. Else did exist as a separate human but was played by Lanfear after Else was expelled.


    Strange, because of the personality 'Else' showed, and the Tear trap being Mesaana's trap, not Lanfear's. Any comment?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Maria Simons

    (later) I cannot find anything to clarify the question.


    PS, thanks for taking time to do Q&A here. Far superior to tour reports, since the Aes Sedai answers are direct from you. ;)


    ...not to mention the quick responses, and the fact that you have more time to think the answers out. You are awesome!


    By the way, not knocking the tour reporters. They rock; we have a lot of good stuff because of them.


    I am just reminded of Tam. 'Tell me what she said. Her exact words, mind, just as she said them.' And Thom too. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sure. Of course, I'm not convinced half of Theoryland hasn't joined Twitter only to follow/question me...

    Brandon Sanderson

    When I'm on tour, do be aware that I don't have notes handy and I'm usually very tired. All answers are suspect.


    As for stalking you...someone has to do it to keep the Q&A organized, and I elected myself (also before you came along).

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha. Just seems that I get a surprising number of tweets from people with no profile picture, and who are only following me. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't feel stalked at all. This is how I use Twitter, and I'm happy to answer questions.

    Matt Hatch

    No profile pics and only following you? That sounds like my twenty other Twitter accounts...


    Min and Cadsuane told Corele that she sees pieces of the Pattern, but if the Dark One destroys the Pattern as he aims to do, then her viewings will be irrelevant. Those that are in reference to things after the Last Battle will only come to pass if they prevent the Dark One from destroying the Pattern. Some took this to mean that Shaidar Haran (essentially, the Dark One) subverted Min's viewing that Elza would serve Rand when he ordered Elza to help Semirhage torture and control Rand.


  • 4

    Interview: Oct 27th, 1994

    Tom Burke

    I asked him to confirm that he had said that Rand will physically lose his hand and that Mat will physically lose his eye.

    Robert Jordan

    He stated, "If I have said something similar to that, I may have misspoken."


    [How is that for being enigmatic?]


  • 5

    Interview: 2010

    Linda Sandström (8 November 2010)

    Are Aviendha's children conceived naturally or are they a consequence of something Power-related Rand and Aviendha do together?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RAFO. :)


  • 6

    Interview: 2011

    Twitter 2011 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Brandon Sanderson (18 January 2011)

    Foreshadowing some probably missed in The Great Hunt chapter seven. Prophecy of the Shadow found in the prison: "Which hand shelters? Which hand slays?"

    Brandon Sanderson

    (For further reading on that foreshadowing I mentioned, look for a chapter titled "The One He Lost" in The Gathering Storm.)


    Ah yeah, I remember reading it now. Seemed to me to be more of a poetic connection than a real one, though.


    I phrased that badly, but I don't know if I would have put it in the 'foreshadowing' category. Maybe 'retroshadowing'.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The connection there is poetic. The foreshadowing isn't of that moment, but more the concept.


    I think I pretty much figured it out before he responded—it makes a good deal of sense in reference to his Lews Therin dilemma and the dilemma of his harem. I tweeted about all that but Brandon responded to my first tweet, so I spared you.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, there is other foreshadowing in the books that I'm not telling you about because it references A Memory of Light.


    I will hopefully catch some of those, though I'm bound to catch a few red herrings as well. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I just passed a big one in The Great Hunt.


    haha, and you know I will be scouring the pages of your vicinity looking for it. :D


    My first guess: Mat is immune to Fain's dagger. (chapter seven) Second guess: foreshadowing of Cyndane's importance in A Memory of Light.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nope and nope. It's a very innocent line, and I won't tell you more than that. You'll spot it once you read A Memory of Light.


    Third: Slayer's role in A Memory of Light. Fourth: Perrin puts on a crown and speaks in High Chant. (the crown at least seems likely)


    Brandon was responding to my first two guesses, not the third and fourth (as you can see by clicking on the link for his 'nope and nope' tweet, which should show the specific tweet he responded to). He almost certainly saw guesses three and four, but he didn't comment on them.

    Matt Hatch

    Readers, let's go HCFF on an "innocent" comment by @BrandonSandrson re: an A Memory of Light foreshadowing in The Great Hunt, discuss!

    Brandon Sanderson

    I've seen someone post on the innocent comment before, FYI. In fact, it was recent.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And Terez has sniffed at it before, I know.


    Do you mean sniff as in turn my nose up at it? Or as in I got in the ballpark? Important distinction.


    Also, I do not sniff.

    Brandon Sanderson

    "Sniff" as in I've seen you poke at the line before, and ponder if it has meaning.


    I don't think that Brandon follows me around on Theoryland, and knowing that I haven't really 'sniffed' at much in these chapters, I think it's most likely he is referring to my fourth guess: the line about Perrin wearing a crown and speaking in High Chant. The update to the glossary entry on Saldaea in Towers of Midnight seems to be another hint in that direction, and of course, Min had a viewing of a Broken Crown for Perrin in way back in The Eye of the World. In order for this to be fulfilled in A Memory of Light, both Tenobia and Bashere will have to abdicate or die (as it was also confirmed in Towers of Midnight that Faile is second in the line of succession).


  • 7

    Interview: Apr 5th, 1996

    Robert Jordan

    Berelain is Perrin's hawk (seen in Min's vision). I really don't know how anybody could have failed to make this connection, and Jordan was similarly incredulous when someone asked him. "What is the symbol of the Mayene?" he intoned heavily. "And who wears that symbol on crown, above her brow? Who is descended from Artur Hawkwing? And who is chasing Perrin like a bird of prey?" Those words aren't Jordan's verbatim, but they're close.


  • 8

    Interview: Apr 5th, 1996


    Some dude asked if Perrin's hawk had appeared yet.

    Robert Jordan

    The answer: "I thought that was fairly obvious. What is the symbol of Mayene? What is the CROWN of Mayene?" i.e. Berelain, for all of you who actually doubted that. RJ also said Berelain is attracted to Perrin partly because he's the first man she wanted and couldn't get which is interesting, partly because he's buff, and partly because she thinks it'd be kinky to make it with a blacksmith. (On the anvil???)


  • 9

    Interview: Jun 27th, 1996

    AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)


    OK. Let's see if this works. Hello, RJ. Just out of curiosity, do your predictions (Foretellings and Min's viewings) have a well, Delphic quality by accident, or by choice? And did you ever think of writing a copy of The Prophecies of the Dragon?

    Robert Jordan

    There's very little in the books that's by accident—very little...and no, I've never thought of writing out the complete Prophecies of the Dragon. As already stated in a previous book, they would comprise a volume of some 300 to 400 pages.


  • 10

    Interview: Jun 27th, 1996

    AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)

    Rog in CT

    All of Min's viewing have come true except one. Does this mean she is no longer infallible?

    Robert Jordan

    No, it doesn't. And actually, that's not quite true, that all of her viewings have come true but one.


  • 11

    Interview: Nov 11th, 1998


    Do Min's viewings always predict the future, or do some tell about the past, mainly the seven towers around Lan in The Eye of the World?

    Robert Jordan

    Um, her viewings are always concerning the future.


  • 12

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2000 Chat (Verbatim)


    Mr. Jordan, Whenever a channeler draws on the One Power, does he/she become temporarily outside the Wheel's control? I ask this because Min's viewings of Aes Sedai get fuzzy whenever they draw on the Power and in Lord of Chaos Egwene avoids Rand's ta'veren effect by drawing on saidar.

    Robert Jordan

    Read and find out!


  • 13

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2003

    David Funke

    When RJ signed my copies of Winter's Heart and Crossroads of Twilight, I asked him a question. Because of wording he uses when describing the Finn and their meeting with Mat, I thought that maybe Min’s viewings had some relation to them. RJ describes the Finn as looking, not at Mat, but at the air around Mat’s head. I thought this was similar to the way Min sees her viewings. Are they related, I asked him?

    Robert Jordan

    No, he said flatly.

    David Funke

    Shucks, I said to his assistant. I was so sure!


  • 14

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2003


    I thought that maybe Min’s viewings had some relation to them. RJ describes the Finn as looking, not at Mat, but at the air around Mat’s head. I thought this was similar to the way Min sees her viewings. Are they related?

    Robert Jordan



  • 15

    Interview: Sep 3rd, 2005


    The auras that Min sees, would they ever show the person's past or other elements that are simply unique to that person?

    Robert Jordan

    No, it is the future.


  • 16

    Interview: Sep 2nd, 2005

    Zaela Sedai

    Are Min's visions about the past or the future?

    Robert Jordan

    They are about the future.


    I wanted to ask how Min saw blood in Taim's future and his past but they cut me off (I guess there was no time and we already had gotten in many questions). Everyone laughing when I tried to sneak in the follow-up question.


  • 17

    Interview: Oct 26th, 2005


    Do Min and the Finns do the same thing when predicting and answering questions?

    Robert Jordan



  • 18

    Interview: Oct 29th, 2005

    Hermano de lobos

    But one person asked something to the effect of: How valid are the viewings and prophecies, given that the Pattern has been loosened? There was also a comment by the person about how the viewings and prophecies are readings of the Pattern.

    Robert Jordan

    Jordan responded, (not word for word) The viewings and prophecies that occurred before the loosening of the Pattern are very valid. But those that occurred at, or after, the loosening have a higher chance of not coming true.

    Hermano de lobos

    I thought this was pretty big news. I don't have the best memory in the world, so my wording may be a little off. Feel free to correct me if you were there.


  • 19

    Interview: Oct 27th, 2009


    Has anyone ever had the same ability as Min? And do you know how it is caused or how the ability works?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The ability works quite explicitly from her being able to see glimmers in the Pattern. She is seeing what is being woven in the future and that is how most of the Foretelling powers work. He was actually pretty explicit in the notes about that. Though some of them of course, there are ones that are strict, meaning they see the Pattern, some of them you see how the Pattern might be. She sees the Pattern as it will be. Has anyone ever had it before? Yeah, from what I read it never said it explicitly, but it implied that this is a power that could exist again and has existed before, but there are no lists of anyone that's had it before. It's definitely open that somebody could have had it before, but he doesn't actually say specifically.


  • 20

    Interview: Nov 9th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    The beggar prophecy was fulfilled when Rand went to Ebou Dar, as well as the one about the bandages over his eyes.


    Perrin's Wolf Dream with Rand wearing rags and a rough cloak with a bandage over his eyes is from The Shadow Rising 53. Min's viewing, where she saw a beggar's staff for Rand, occurs in The Eye of the World 15.


  • 21

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2009


    Has Egwene's Dream of having her head on a block and an axe falling come true?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Brandon answered, It has not; she is still in danger of that happening. Then he looked at us and said, "It may, or may not also have something to do with Min's vision of Gawyn either saving or killing Egwene." Big smile on his face for that one.


    Great job Amalisa, you received the correct Question bonus.


  • 22

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Has Cadsuane met Min's vision regarding the lesson she must teach Rand and the Asha'man, which they won't like one bit?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Part of it.


    (That strongly suggests that the "laughter and tears" connection is valid.)


  • 23

    Interview: Apr 22nd, 2009

    Leigh Butler

    After this I was on another panel, "Theories and Rampant Speculation", the subject of which should be fairly self-evident, with Jakob R, Bao Pham, and (of course) Matt Hatch, who actually did not manage this time to steer us Asmodean-ward, not for lack of trying. Most of the hour, as I recall, was taken up discussing the nature of Min's visions, how that whole ta'veren thing works, and whether and how the One Power differs from the Pattern. The latter debate mostly centered around balefire, and whether the fact that it could unravel the Pattern had to do with the people/souls it destroyed, or because it undid the choices they had made. I personally really liked the notion that the Pattern consisted of choices/events, rather than souls/lives, and wish I could remember who had suggested it.


  • 24

    Interview: Nov 7th, 2010


    Posted this in the errata/continuity thread for Towers of Midnight, but I asked Brandon about Carlinya's death, specifically whether that was a mistake. I had assumed that it was, because Min's viewing regarding her hasn't, to my knowledge, come to pass. (That viewing being the one of ravens, drawings of them, settling on her shoulders.)

    Brandon Sanderson

    According to him, that was NOT a mistake, and that that viewing doesn't necessarily mean what most people take it to mean. He said he would explain later—not sure if he meant that to be in a later interview, or if it was a RAFO situation. Definitely food for thought.


    Kamarile seems to have confused this viewing with a Dream that Egwene had about Mat; they are quite similar, but Min only saw a raven for Carlinya which she believed was a tattoo. Maria answered the question about Carlinya here.


  • 25

    Interview: Jan 10th, 2011

    tamyrlink ()

    Carlinya Sedai died in Towers of Midnight. So what did Min's vision of her from The Fires of Heaven mean?

    Brandon Sanderson ()



    Maria answered this question here.


  • 26

    Interview: Aug 31st, 2011

    Reddit AMA 2011 (Verbatim)

    rileysweeney ()

    Are Rand and Aviendha going to get some time on screen together in A Memory of Light? They had such an interesting dynamic and they have barely spoken for several books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO. (You knew that was coming, eh?) should be noted that prophecy says that Aviendha will have Rand's, that's going to be kind of tough if they don't see one another again.


  • 27

    Interview: Nov 11th, 2011


    Min has said that Perrin would need to be there for Rand twice to save him from something very bad. Assuming Dumai's Wells was the first time (which BWS confirmed), was Perrin's presence in Tel'aran'rhiod at Dragonmount during Rand's time there the second time? Or, in another phrasing, has the second time happened yet?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, that was not it. We have not yet seen the second time, but we will. (In other words, it's coming in A Memory of Light.)


  • 28

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2011


    Has Min's viewing of Gawyn either kneeling to or killing Egwene (from The Shadow Rising 47) come to pass?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 29

    Interview: 2012

    Brandon Sanderson (20 December 2011)

    Still hard at work on A Memory of Light. Today's scenes involve lots of loud noises.


    Just curious, have you read the end scenes that RJ wrote? Or are you waiting till you get there?


    I read them as soon as I got them. I needed to use them as a target 'goal' for the book.


    Now, on to a scene that finally, at long last, fulfills something Min saw long ago...


    I've finished all characters except Rand and Mat. (Note, I'm not writing in order; other characters have already-written scenes after this.)


    Now, I have to finish Mat's climax, write a few more Rand scenes, then add in RJ's ending material. Then we're done. Very close now.


    What are your thoughts on ending the WoT series that Robert Jordan started so long ago? :)




    After a few hours with the family, am back at work on A Memory of Light. It's slightly possible that I'll finish it sometime during the night.


    Would that make tonight A Memory of Light Eve?


    Ha. Yes, I guess it would.


    You can follow along, if you wish. I have twenty small points on my outline left to hit. Maybe 10k words or so. I'll tweet as I pass them.


    First scene out of twenty finished. (Note that I'm using 'scene' here liberally to mean a point on the plot outline.)


    Can you tell us who has the last chapter?


    Afraid that would spoil too much.


    Note that as I approach an ending, my writing speed goes up, as I get momentum. 10k tonight is not impossible. (Though most days I do 2-3.)


    Good luck!




    Two out of twenty scenes done. Eighteen left, and A Memory of Light will be finished.


    Three out of Twenty of the remaining scenes in A Memory of Light have been finished. (If you're just now seeing this, check back to my last few posts.)


    How long was it after the first two books were finished until they were published?


    For the first one, about a year. For the next, about six months. This will probably be closer to the first than the second.


    Scene four was slightly shorter than the others. 4 out of 20 finished so far tonight.


    Scene #5 finished. 25% through the ending of A Memory of Light. Feeling good about these scenes. All is going very well.


    Some of you have asked if I got the Magic cards you sent me off of my Amazon wishlist. I did! I'm waiting to open them until I'm done with A Memory of Light.


    A few of these scenes are pretty emotional ones for me. It's been a long, long road. I started reading the WoT twenty-one years ago.


    Just finished scene #6 out of the 20 remaining in A Memory of Light.


    Scene seven is done. Thirteen more to go. This one...this one was tough to write.


    I've apparently inspired a drinking game with this on both Twitter and Facebook. I'd join in, but: 1) Mormon. 2) BUSY WRITING END OF WOT. :)


    Scene #8 is a tricky one. I know how it has to go, I just need to do it carefully. Getting close to having it right.


    Scene #8 is finished. This is going well. I often build momentum like this during a powerful book ending, and this one is very powerful.


    We shall see. We've still got three or four hours before I'd normally turn in for bed. If I start to get sleepy, I'll call it for the night.


    No sense in pushing on if the quality starts to flag. Knowing myself, though, I'll be too excited to be tired for a while yet. Onward!


    Glad to hear things are ending well! I can't wait to read it. Think I have time for a full re-read before A Memory of Light?


    Depends on how quickly you read. :)


    Cannot wait, but I agree. Is it really going to take a year to edit and publish?


    I've done a dozen drafts each of the previous two books. That kind of thing takes a little bit of time...


    I just did something to Mat that I've been gleefully waiting to do for three years.


    Don't stress the thing I did to Mat too much. It's a little (and fun) thing I've wanted to see him do for a long time.


    I have finished scene #9 out of 20 I need to write before A Memory of Light is done.


    Best of luck to @BrandSanderson as I turn in for the night. I'm giddy for A Memory of Light.


    Hopefully, you will wake to find the book finished.


    It's almost 3:30am here and I SHOULD be in bed, but I feel like I need 2 stay up and cheer you on and also to witness THE END!


    Ha. Well, there are still hours left to go, I suspect. I started at...what, 9:00 here? I'm to 1/2 and it's almost 2:00?


    For those asking, it's almost 2:00 am here. The night is still young.


    Just finished Scene #10. Halfway there!


    I don't expect it to go longer than those. After editing, I'm pretty sure we'll settle at 350-360k words. (About 10% longer than Towers of Midnight.)


    Brace yourselves. I just finished the last Mat Cauthon scene that, in all likelihood, will ever be written.


    General writing question: after The editor edits, is it typical for an author to add/rewrite, or only the editor?


    Only the author rewrites or adds. Never the editor. (in most cases.)


    The fourteenth scene was Mat's, and now I've finished the fifteenth scene. Five more to go, and A Memory of Light is done.


    Just finished scene #16. Four more to go. Guess I'm not stopping tonight, eh?


    Scene #17 is finished. I was a tad on the longer side for the ones I'm doing here, as are the last three. 5:00 am here.


    I keep flashing back to times I've read the WoT books through my life. Looking back, you could call Rand/Mat/Perrin my oldest friends.


    Scene #18 is done. Two more to go.


    Scene #19 is done. Deep breath. I'm beginning the last scene I will write in the Wheel of Time, then will add RJ's ending.


    I've been listening to Pandora as I do this, but am wondering if I should pick a specific song to listen to as I finish. Suggestions?


    My choice for a song to play as I write the last few paragraphs here:


    Ladies and gentlemen, A Memory of Light—the final book in The Wheel of Time—has been finished.


    Now I'll open a metric gigaton of Magic cards that have been sent to me by fans, sleep for a day, and rest until next week.Then: revisions!


    As for when the book will come out, Tor should do an announcement soon. Revisions will take a good six months. So fall, I expect.


    Another common question: How many revisions will I do? The last two took about a dozen. (On non-WoT books, I do about seven or eight.)


    Also, it's going to be tough to give direct replies to questions right now, what with like 1000 people tweeting/facebooking at me. :)


    But lots of people are asking about outriggers/prequels. The answer is still the same. We'd rather not risk exploiting RJ's legacy.


    It is a step I don't think we want to take. Better to stop while we're ahead. I'm sorry, but they probably won't ever happen.


    And now, yes, I will go to sleep. 7am here. That's 10 hours of solid writing after a full day of solid writing, so I'm beat.


    Thank you all for the good wishes. May you find water and shade.


    Ah. Good morning, all. (Yes, it's five in the afternoon here.) Checking email, and...INBOX EXPLOSION. I guess I was expecting it. :)


  • 30

    Interview: Dec 5th, 2000


    The next lady asked some question about one of Min's viewing of Rand with three women. She was confused because Min didn't recognize someone in the viewing that she should have known.

    Robert Jordan

    RJ had to repeat three or four times that the viewing wasn't clear at the time. He seemed to be stressing that Min's inability to recognize the person didn't mean anything important. Her viewings don't always tell everything. This is only important because it means that you can't use anything that was missing from Min's viewings as proof of anything.


  • 31

    Interview: Apr, 2012


    Faolain refers to something she is working on that is as good as anything the Wondergirls have made. Do you know what it is, and can you tell me?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes I know, and no I can’t.


  • 32

    Interview: Apr, 2012


    What was the stylized raven that Min viewed around Carlinya?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I thought that had already been answered. Did Jim not answer this?


    No. Everyone thought it referred to Carlinya being da’covale to the Empress. But no, it hasn’t been answered.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh. Oh, okay. Well, I will RAFO/MAFO it. You can email Maria and me about it, but I may have to RAFO it.

    Maria Simons

    The raven is a symbol of the Dark One as well as the Seanchan; Carlinya was killed fighting the Black Ajah.


    The reason why fans thought it was surely in reference to the Seanchan is because Min thought it looked like a tattoo. (See The Fires of Heaven Chapter 26.)


  • 33

    Interview: Apr, 2012


    This one I basically composed on the spot, so it got the answer it merited.


    The darkness surrounding Bashere—can you give us any info on that? Was it caused by his past actions or by his future actions, or is it a result of someone else's actions against him?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What I can tell you is that being surrounded by darkness is rarely a good thing in the WoT world.


    Was trying to attack the Bashere = Darkfriend uncertainty, but, uh...This was in direct response to the tidbit he considered tasty mentioned earlier on.


  • 34

    Interview: May, 2012


    The post about the Whelan art is copied in full and parsed for tagging, but there are some plot-relevant bits from a friend of Whelan's in the comments that are recorded at the bottom, and I've clipped the relevant bit about the DKS art from Tor's tribute post.

    Irene Gallo

    The scene depicts Min, Aviendha, and Elayne gathered on a battlefield around what is presumably a funeral pyre for Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn. What we recognize as a yin/yang appears in the clouds, possibly signifying a unity that has evaded male and female channelers for over 3000 years.



  • 35

    Interview: Apr, 2012

    JordanCon 2012 - Terez (Paraphrased)


    Is there any relationship between Perrin's dream visions and Min's viewings? Does she see into Tel'aran'rhiod?

    Maria Simons

    I don't know. I might be able to find out.


  • 36

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Aaron Oster (23 January 2013)

    If, hypothetically, there was a body switch in WoT, how would it happen? Would it be an actual switch or illusion?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    There are far more reasons, worldbuilding wise, to believe it was real than to believe it was illusion.


    Is Rand's soul in Moridin's body?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha. Right to the point, are you? Let's just say that trickery is not likely in this case.


    Can you confirm that Rand's body was burned at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, fine. Yes, I will confirm that Rand's body was indeed the one that was burned. :)

    Jonathan MacAlpine

    Why didn't anybody notice when a supposedly-dead Moridin got up and walked away?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'd say coincidence. But there aren't many of those in the WoT world.


    Seems like a conversation between the Creator and Rand was missing where "switch" and Alivia's role in it are laid out—thoughts?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I believe that RJ included everything he wanted in this sequence.

    Jason Cassidy

    Why did Rand switch bodies at the end and why is he going incognito now? Did not understand that part.

    Brandon Sanderson

    RJ wrote these scenes, and intended to leave them as is. I don't think me delving into explanations is what he'd want.

    El Brian

    Did the bonding between Rand, Nynaeve, Elayne, and Min transfer over to the new body?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, though I don't know how or why.

    Kamarile Sedai

    Why did the bond survive the body switch at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't know. RJ did not explain this one to me.

    J Crosby

    How were Rand/Elan able to switch bodies?

    Sean Duffy

    How did Rand wind up with Moridin's body?

    James Starke

    Could you explain further about the body switch and how it was possible?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is one that I'm not answering, I'm afraid. RJ wanted some things about the ending to remain ambiguous.


  • 37

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Peter Wikberg (23 January 2013)

    What was Moiraine's purpose during the Last Battle?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    To stop Rand and Egwene from going to the Last Battle separately, instead of together.


  • 38

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    David Forbes (23 January 2013)

    Can you shed any light on the raven picture Min saw around Carlinya? Or the axe and hand she saw around Elayne?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    One thing that was made clear in the notes is that not everything seen by Min is to have significance for the books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And others, such as Alivia, were to be things that people in world placed much import upon—but were actually minor.


    Maria answered this question here.


  • 39

    Interview: Feb 6th, 2013


    In The Shadow Rising, in the Stone of Tear, Moiraine tells Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne that she knows the face of her husband. She hasn't been to Rhuidean, or even to visit the Aelfinn yet. Does she have this knowledge from a vision of Min's, and if not, where?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, she had been through the twisted doorway, hadn't she? You're sure? Then I don't know, perhaps that one can be asked of Maria.


    Min thought about unfulfilled viewings concerning Moiraine in A Crown of Swords, and Maria later confirmed that Moiraine's knowledge was as result of a viewing of Min's.


  • 40

    Interview: Feb 12th, 2013


    Can you give any further detail on Min's viewing of Aviendha having Rand's babies? (Per the quotation: "Aviendha would have Rand's babies, too. Four of them at once! Something was odd about that, though. The babies would be healthy, but still something odd.")

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are natural quadruplets (no, Aviendha does not adopt Min's or Elayne's children in order to get four), and the "odd" thing is specifically their ability to channel from birth.


    Min's viewing about Aviendha's babies was in Winter's Heart, Chapter 12.


  • 41

    Interview: Feb 11th, 2013

    Anna Hornbostel

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    A fan asked him if Alivia's role in the epilogue was her fulfillment of Min's viewing and he said that it was very clear that that was all that that viewing meant. He said that fans are speculating that she played a part in the body swap but she did not.

    Brandon went in to little detail about the body swap, saying he knows as much about it as we do and the notes just didn't give more. He asserted that he has to do with the balefire streams touching and the fact that Moridin no longer wanted to continue to exist but that Rand very much wanted to continue to exist.


    The viewing was almost certain a "riding into the sunset" metaphor, which we know is idiomatic to the WoT world from The Great Hunt Chapter 49, where Loial reads To Sail Beyond the Sunset (which is also a reference to Heinlein) as Rand accepts the oaths of the Shienarans, the first Dragonsworn.


  • 42

    Interview: Feb 21st, 2013

    Trae Cooper

    RJ left specific notes that Min's Alivia viewing was supposed to be incidental, and an example of unreliable narrator even in the case of Min's viewings. The Foretelling/dreams about the boat were supposed to be along the same lines.


  • 43

    Interview: Feb 6th, 2013

    Freelancer (February 14, 2013)

    I received a reply from Maria Simons regarding one of my previous questions:

    Maria Simons

    I'm sorry to be so long in answering; it's been a busy week. But the answer to your question is that she (Moiraine) knew the face of her husband from a viewing of Min's.



    For the record, I can only imagine how her schedule has gone since the AMoL release, and with Harriet joining in on the tour, so I don't consider a couple of days as long to respond at all. Like everyone else associated with The Wheel of Time, she rocks. And a long-standing question finally confirmed!


  • 44

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Alright, is Cadsuane's lesson to the Asha'man yet to come?

    Brandon Sanderson

    To the Asha'man? It is the same lesson that Rand learned, but they....they started to learn it.....



    Brandon Sanderson

    I would say that they have not completely learned it yet. Not until they have spent


    Well the distinction in Min's viewing is that none of them would like learning it from Cadsuane.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Mmmhmm.


    Yeah, so that's where everybody gets a little bit confused.

    Brandon Sanderson



    But yeah, I got you.


  • 45

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Was Min's "three ships sailing" inspired by the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't believe so. Wow, but I don't know, so I can't say on that one...


    Oh, it wasn't yours?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh, no....ah...


    It was in the last book: three ships sailing, insect in the darkness, red lights....

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. It's not the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María....


    Yeah, well I thought it might have been inspired by that...

    Brandon Sanderson

    We'll have to dig into the notes on that one.




  • 46

    Interview: Apr 20th, 2013


    Min predicted a tempestuous love affair for Sarene, and a lot of people said after the book that was a mistake, because it wasn't mentioned, and I was like, "Her Warder, Vitalien..." because she wrote poetry comparing him to a leopard. (laughter)

    Maria Simons

    Yeah. There's a line somewhere about, she was always incredibly calm except when her Warder was around, or something like that...


    Some people thought that it referred to Graendal...(laughter) And I'm like, "No....that doesn't count."

    Maria Simons


    You know, Compulsion, tempestuous love affair, same thing...


  • 47

    Interview: Apr 20th, 2013


    So why do Aviendha's children have this special power of being able to channel at birth?

    Maria Simons

    I don't know.


  • 48

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    SakisRakis ()

    I wondered particularly about, in the epilogue, Alivia leaving the supplies for the body-swapped Rand. I honestly had to go look up Alivia as a refresher upon seeing her name; was she included from Robert Jordan's draft, and if so, do you think he envisioned more involvement from her throughout A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That scene was indeed one of the ones that Robert Jordan wrote before he passed away, and was include as is. He MIGHT have included her a tad more in other scenes, but the notes were blank on her save for this last scene, so I don't know. I know for certain that her helping Rand to die meant only leaving the items for him. It was a very small thing that fandom (perhaps by RJ's design) blew up into something much larger. The characters did too, to an extent.


  • 49

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2012


    Have Elayne’s axe and red-hot iron been fulfilled?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Axe and red-hot iron been fulfilled? You can ask Maria but I believe they have.
